Letters to the Editor

Support Matt Pfeiffer for Orion Twp. treasurer Orion Township Trustee Matt Pfeiffer has demonstrated his tenacity, hard work and dedication in his service to residents. Matt is a dedicated community leader. With his business background he will be able to serve as the township treasurer splendidly. The fiscal responsibility and stewardship of millions of taxpayers’ […]

Letters: May 8, 2024

Orion Township clerk silenced me twice Orion Township Clerk Penny Shults has twice used her power and influence to suppress my freedom of speech. In 2016, the League of Women Voters partnered with the Orion Area Chamber of Commerce on a live Candidates Forum. I was less than three months into my position as executive […]

Lake Orion Community Schools should turn the Orion Center into an Environmental Center for students

What the school district could do with the Orion Center is the creation of an Environmental Education Center. There is no more important issue pressing our future than global warming, plastic petroleum products and chemical contamination. Orion schools district is uniquely situated with thousands of acres of state, county and township forest, open space, lakes […]

Succession planning is good for your brand

The hit HBO show “Succession” brought to the mainstream a concept that has been around for centuries. Some even argue there are lessons from God on succession planning in the Bible. No matter how far it dates back, the concept of planning for what and who is next when it comes to a business’ future […]

Fix the roads

I moved to Lake Orion a few years ago. I previously lived in a RV for two years, traveled to 12 states, and have lived in countless cities and three states. Never in my recollection have I driven on worse roads than Miller Road between the roundabout and Conklin Road. Driving north on Conklin Road […]

Orion Twp. future land use amendments should be allowed

You’ve purchased a home/property in a rural area of Orion Township zoned for single family homes. You love the feeling of being in the country, close to the expressway and shopping. Welcome to Orion Township, Where Living is a Vacation, right? Then a landowner with a few acres close by requests to rezone their property […]

Thank you, Orion residents, for you support

Speedway created a donation jar that citizens can donate to give pizzas to the police. We have received numerous pizzas, and it was quite a pleasant surprise for us. We very much appreciate our Speedway partners and especially all the fantastic citizens that generously donate to my staff. I am proud to work in Orion […]

Opposed to cell tower on LOCS school property

Regarding the Lake Orion Community Schools efforts to install a cell tower on their vacant land located between Orion Road and Adams Road at 3416 E. Clarkston Road in Oakland Twp. The closest neighbors to the proposed site voiced concern during the Oakland Twp. Planning Commission meeting. Our concerns were heard, yet brushed aside as […]

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