Youth theater gets patriotic

Sinking ships, enemy spies, and a mysterious cartoon face popping up everywhere keep things interesting at a Brooklyn USO club, in Clarkston Village Players Youth Theatre’s production of “Kilroy Was Here.”
Directed by Donna Ellis, the patriotic musical comedy features dozens of young actors and singers.
‘I like my character, even though he’s not such a nice guy,? said Sam Cook, 14, who plays Private Joe Kilroy.
“I love it ‘a great group of people,” said Angel Walsh, 16, who plays club manager Ruth Taylor. “The older kids take the younger kids under their wing. Now we’re the older kids.”
Walsh, in her fifth year with Youth Theater, has performed in 14 shows. With three years, Cook has been in 13 productions, as well as “The Sound of Music” with Clarkston High School.
“The focus is on having fun and doing a great show,” Walsh said. “It’s a lot of fun.”
Proceeds from the play and three fundraisers earlier this year will fund Arthur ‘Pete? Rose Scholarships, named after a founding member of CVP, for young thespians.
Students receiving scholarships this year were Katie Hendrickson, Zac Rogers, Brittany Fuesco, and Clarkston High School students Bethany Horner, Matthew Cross, and Taylor Benson.
Showtimes for the production at Depot Theater, 4861 White Lake Road, are 7:30 p.m., Friday-Saturday, July 24-25, and Wednesday-Saturday, July 29-31 and Aug. 1; and 2 p.m., Sunday, July 26.
Tickets are $6 each. Call 248-683-8182.

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