Youth hope to ‘Enkindle? faith at park

Organizers hope to fill Depot Park with prayer and worship at the second annual Enkindle the Remnant event, 6-9 p.m., Friday, Aug. 22.
‘Prayer for the community to come together, for all churches and people,? said Josh Kuruvilla, 19, of Independence Township. ‘High schoolers and college kids, and whoever wants to come by and enjoy it.?
‘It’ll have a very open atmosphere, a lot of freedom for people who are there,? said Michael Abraham, 17, of Independence Township.
Hundreds of people attended last year’s event, Kuruvilla said.
‘It was pretty successful ? about 300 showed up,? he said. ‘With God, this event will continue to grow and more people who have a heart for the their community will come out and pray together.?
Rochester First Band, Auburn Hills Christian Center band, and others will provide entertainment.
Youth Pastor Randy Goldsworthy of New Hope Bible Church is helping to organize the event, and local churches are sponsoring it.
‘It’s a great community event,? Kuruvilla said. ‘Clarkston is known for bringing the community together. Like Team RUSH, we strive to get people involved.?
The overall theme this year is asking God to make us a people, he said.
‘That’s short for the idea that God is changing us everyday so we can be a people and a community where he is pleased to dwell,? he said. ‘There is no particular church behind this event. It is merely composed of youth and young adults from all types of churches who are hungry for the presence of God in their community.?
Kuruvilla is a Clarkston High School graduate attending Oakland University to study business, and Michigan State University next year.
Abraham is a senior this year at Clarkston High School, and is heading up the Revival At Work club, RAW, formerly called the Life Club.
‘It’s a lot of open worship, with no strict schedule ? nothing set in stone,? he said.
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