You’re gonna think I’m a ramblin? tech wreck

When you call the office of an elected official (at any level of government) and you get a recording saying, ‘I’m either taking another call or out of the office,? don’t you first assume they are attending a conference in Orlando or the Bahamas? Especially in February?
Ms. Granholm, please explain to me again, remembering I’m a slow listener, how increasing the minimum wage will add jobs in Michigan. Of course, it would bring in more taxes, but that could hardly be your goal, right?
And, wouldn’t allowing more gas and oil drilling in our state help bring down the price of oil, thus allowing we citizens better use of our money than burning it in engines? Talk to your friends in the environmental community. Or, take a walk through the Mason Tract forest in northern Michigan and determine for yourself if drilling there would devastate that area.
I’m a weather junky. I listen for the forecast at 6:30 a.m and hear it every half hour until 10. I look forward to Chuck Gaidica’s 5-day forecast in the Detroit News every morning. I don’t always believe it, but I listen and read. Monday morning’s Gaidica forecast showed the sun shining above the clouds Tuesday through Saturday. Beautiful! When I let Shayna out Tuesday morning it was snowing. That day Gaidica predicted a sunny Wednesday, two days of snow, then two days sunny. Not deterred, tomorrow morning I’ll listen and read the forecasts. It’s a smiling challenge.
Don’t you love it when one of your favorite foods is put on the dietician’s ‘eat? list? I rejoiced when I read a good breakfast is two tablespoons of natural (is there an un-natural?) peanut butter on a bagel. I don’t eat bagels, so I’m having three tablespoons of peanut butter.
There are studies on everything. Even one proving suicide rates were higher in cities with radio stations that play higher-than-average amounts of country music. Maybe it’s too many down-on-your-luck tunes.
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You may prefer sherry,
You may prefer port.
What do you say
We have a little snort?
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Ad in a San Francisco newspaper: ‘For sale: Folding table by elderly lady with detachable legs.?
My dog, Shayna, makes me really appreciate air freshener, if you get my drift.
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I’m going to make you aware of some possible mergers that, if you get in on the ground floor could make you some big bucks. Watch for these consolidations:
Hale Business Systems, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Fuller Brush and W. R. Grace will merge and become: Hale, Mary, Fuller, Grace.
Polygram Records, Warner Bros., and Zesta Crackers will become: Poly, Warner, Cracker.
3M will merge with Goodyear and become: MMMGood.
Zippo Manufacturing, Audi Motors, Dofasco and Dakota Mining will become: ZipAudiDoDa.
FedEx is expected to join its major competitor, UPS, and become: FedUP.
Grey Poupon and Docker Pants may join and become: Poupon Pants.
And, Knotts Berry Farm and the National Organization of Women will become: Knott NOW.

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