Wolves whomp West Bloomfield again

The season would be a whole lot easier for Clarkston hockey if they could play West Bloomfield every game. Having already beaten the Lakers 9-0 in the first game of the season, the Wolves emerged victorious again on Jan. 8, this time posting a 7-2 victory.
‘It’s a great start to the new year, We needed to get a win coming in,? said senior forward Bryan Morin.
The Wolves were on a three-game losing streak prior to the contest, having lost to Troy High, Cranbrook and Davison.
The Wolves wasted no time gaining the advantage against West Bloomfield. Senior forward Trevor Johns scored :39 into the game on a wrist shot that wriggled through a crowd in front and past Lakers goalie Zack Lederer before he saw the shot. Senior forward Mike Fogg assisted on the goal.
Lederer bounced back from the quick goal, stopping a Clarkston penalty shot and two breakaways. Finally, the Wolves, beat Lederer again, this time on a deflected shot which richocheted off junior forward Kyle Cummings? stick and past the goalie’s glove. Senior defenseman Alex Handley got credit for the assist. Clarkston out shot the Lakers 15-0 and won 10 of 12 faceoffs in the first period
‘This is one game when you know that you are not going to catch a break,? said West Bloomfield Coach Craig Warden.
West Bloomfield’s Anthony Giglio scored early in the second period, making the score 2-1. The goal lit a fire under the Wolves as they rallied to score two powerplay goals in a row. Mike Fogg scored, assisted by junior defenseman Matt Prasil, and Johns added his second of the game, assisted by Fogg and Prasil.
‘I wasn’t worried (by Lederer’s play) because we were pretty much dominating the game and I knew that the (shots) were going to go in eventually,? said Clarkston Coach Bryan Krygier.
Clarkston allowed another goal at the end of the second period, but goals by senior defensemen Adam Stoyek (assisted by Johns and Fogg) and Alex Handley (assisted by seniors Chris Degen and Mike Zak) in the third period put the game out of reach for the Lakers. Mike Fogg added another insurance goal with 3:06 left in the game to bring the score to 7-2. Johns and Prasil assisted again on the final goal.
The Wolves outshot West Bloomfield 46-7 over the course of the game. Clarkston junior goaltender Nolan Cesario got the win between the pipes.
?(This win) gives us great momentum going into next week,? said Prasil.
Clarkston’s OAA Division I showdown with Farmington was cancelled due to inclement weather on Jan. 6, and the game has been rescheduled for Jan. 17.
Farmington is second in the league to Clarkston right now and the game will be the last of four contests in six nights for the Wolves.
The Wolves will play at Mott on Jan. 12, at Port Huron on Jan. 13, at league rival Birmingham on Jan. 15 and will wrap things up against Farmington at home.

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