Who dunnit?

The Oxford High School Drama Club participated in a real-life game of ‘Clue? last Wednesday at their annual murder mystery show.
Dubbed ‘Trouble at the Talent Show,? the murder mystery took place at an all-school talent show at the fictional Lake High School.
The show leads to fierce competition between the popular girls called the Tiffanys, the Jocks, the Grungies, and the Regs (regular kids). The school lunch ladies and maintenance guys also performed in the show despite their bitter rivalry.
Before the judging of the talent show was completed lunch lady Martha was poisoned using the mysterious ‘Formula X.? But who did it?
Audience members put their detective skills to the test and pointed their finger at the librarian, played by Sammy Matsumoto.
The crowd was shocked to find out that Martha’s sister, lunch lady Edith, was actually the one to blame because she didn’t want her niece, the popular Tiffany, to find out her biological mother was actually a lunch lady.
The OHS Drama Club raised $300 from their seventh murder mystery show.

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