White canes April 28-May 6

Bright as the numerous orange barrels dotting our roadways, the Lions Club white canes will spread across Clarkston the week of April 28 through May 6.
Members of the Clarkston Area Lions Club will hit the streets and store fronts to raise funds as part of the annual White Cane Week. This is the second year the group has participated.
‘There was much to learn from last year since I’ve been doing this for years and years,? laughed White Cane Chairperson Jerry Baumgart. ‘I’ve been a Lion for almost 12 years and been heavy into White Cane Week the entire time.?
About half the money raised in Clarkston will go to projects assisting those with sight or hearing difficulties. The other half to projects in the community such as Springfield and Independence libraries, OATS Therapeutic Riding Program and Lighthouse.
Some of the sight and hearing projects include Leader Dogs for the Blind, Michigan Eye Bank and Transplant Center, Lions Bear Lake Camp for Physically Challenged Youth, Penrickton Center for Blind Children, Beaumont Silent Children Fund, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Madonna University’s Office of Disability Resources and the Lions Hearing Center of Southeast Michigan.
‘Money raised during White Cane Week will also allow Lions to meet pressing needs in our community, including such items as eyeglass and hearing aide support for those in need and KidSight vision screening for small children,? said President Brace Case in a press release. ‘The Lions Club thanks everyone who contributes to this important work. You are truly helping Lions make a difference in our community.?
Lions Club International is the world’s largest service club with nearly 1.4 million members in 46,000 clubs in 193 countries.
The Clarkston Area Lions Club was founded over a year and a half ago and currently has 28 members. The group works closely with other area service organizations, and even has several members of the Clarkston Rotary Club participating in White Cane Week.
‘We helped them with their Goodfellows newspaper drive and now they are helping us by returning the favor,? said Baumgart. ‘We appreciate all that they are doing.?
To top off the efforts of Lions Clubs statewide, Gov. Jennifer Granholm signed a proclamation declaring the week of April 28 as White Cane Week in Michigan.

Where to find a White Cane
The Clarkston Area Lions Club will be at the following locations the week of April 28 through May 6:
? The intersection of Washington and Main streets on April 28 and 29 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
? Maybee Road at Dixie Hwy. on April 28 and 29 and May 5 and 6 as possible.
? Maybee Road at Sashabaw Road on May 5 and 6 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
? All three area Krogers stores (Sashabaw Road, Dixie Highway at Maybee Road and Dixie Highway in Springfield Township) throughout the week.

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