Whatever floats your boat

Clarkston High School’s Team RUSH took to the waves Saturday, during the second annual RUSH Regatta with nothing but cardboard, tape, glue and sealant to make boats that float.
Most did. Some didn’t.
The group, led by Kyle Hughes, competed for bragging rights, trophies and small cash prizes.
Regardless of the outcome, participants and spectators alike enjoyed a day on Deer Lake Beach.

For the culmination of their science unit on water, 146 first-graders at Daniel Axford Elementary last Friday got to see if their homemade boats would sink or float.
Created out of popsicle sticks, wood, plastic ice cream lids and styrofoam, the students had to create a boat that would float with five marbles weighing it down.
Only one of the vessles sunk into Davy Jones? Locker due to water logging.
Students created very unique boats, like a Noah’s Ark replica, pirate ships and a Disney princess boat.
Afterward, the kids enjoyed rootbeer floats to celebrate their success.

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