Water main bill makes officials point fingers

After months of debating who would pay for a $22,525 bill for switching four Oxford businesses on M-24 from village to township water after a water main burst in February, it seems the two government entities are playing a ‘he said, she said? game.
The businesses affected by the water main burst were Burger King, Complete Auto Repair, Red Carpet Keim and Hubbard Spring Co. The pipe ruptured due to a combination old age and freezing weather.
At the time of the burst, the businesses using village water had to be transfered over to the township water line.
In a letter dated June 28, Oxford Township Supervisor Bill Dunn said he was informed by the Oxford Village DPW superintendent that, ‘because of the cost of repair, Oxford Village did not want to continue to service these customers.?
But the village council in a July 19 letter informed Dunn that his letter included a ‘mistaken statement? by saying the village did not want to service the businesses.
‘It was the consensus of all that in light of the condition of the broken main, that transferring these customers to your system was the way to proceed,’the letter stated.
For now, nothing further has been discussed as to who will foot the bill. Keep reading The Leader for more updates.

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