Walking with a cause?

Great weather, plenty of participants and a collection of over $100,000 combined to make this past Saturday’s Relay For Life event at Clarkston Junior High School a success.
According to Kelli McCoy, community development director with the Metro-Detroit Area Service Center of the American Cancer Society, 34 teams participated in the 24-hour event. She said 400 volunteers and walkers registered for the day, but many more came.
‘The best part was the survivor celebration,? said McCoy. ‘It brings the whole event home to people.?
In addition to raising funds for the American Cancer Society, participants enjoyed lots of wild and crazy events ? and competed for some overall awards. Following is a list of the Relay’s top participants:
? Top Fund-raising Team went to Lindsey’s League, which collected $14,656.
? Top Individual Fund-raiser went to Chris Strong who collected $3,523.
? Team Spirit went to Faith, Hope and Spirit.
? Team of the Year went to Hopetown USA who also brought in the most sponsors for the event.
? Best Campsite went to Paradise Island.
? And a new award, Team Member of the Year went to Kelsey Merz, who brought about the team from Clarkston United Methodist Church.
All funds raised at the event are used by the American Cancer Society for research and various community outreach programs and services. For more information on the American Cancer Society, please go online to www.cancer.org.

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