Varsity ski, boys and girls

The ski season may not start until Jan. 12, but the Wolves are ready to dominate now.
The boys ski team, which has gone 52-6 over the last seven years, will return four All-State skiers: Seniors Jeff Haladik, Alex Rosengren, Kevin Valbusch and sophomore Eric Weiland. Last year the boys team finished second in the State in the slalom and fifth overall.
The girls team, which put up a 57-1 record over the last seven years, is in slightly more of a rebuilding mode, but will still feature State champion, senior Mo Weiland and her partner on the All-State team junior Alyssa Vermeulen. Seniors Megan Peters and Jennifer Stanton will also be returning to leading roles.
‘We pretty much are the powerhouse from the southern part of the State,? said Coach Bruce Rosengren.

Back row; Coach Bruce Rosengren, Ryan Petersen, Bradley Gale, Matt Keagy, Kate Mozer, Bryan Cicinelli, Alyssa Vermeulen, Jeff Haladik, Trisha Peters, Alex Rosengren, Blake Curdy, Cobie Bland, Brandon Boozer, Coach Tami Neimi.
Front row; Asst. Coach Mike Foyteck, Katie Reis, Heather Baron, Kevin Vahlbusch, Erica Halsey, Megan Peters, Eric Weiland, Scott Huber, Chris Bland, Coach Asst. Rob McIntosh. Photo provided (not official roster)

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