Township takes next step for grant

The local price tag will be higher, but officials think it’s still worth it to seek a state grant for much-needed repairs to the Deer Lake boat launch.
The Independence Township Board on July 1 approved resolutions promising to match a Michigan Department of Natural Resources “Grant-in-Aid.”
DNR procedures have caused a change in the format of the proposal, and officials have learned that some tasks are not eligible for the state grant. Nonetheless, it is seen as a cost-effective way to provide for a new boat ramp.
Mike Turk, director of parks and recreation, said a potential $64,474 project could cost the township budget only $22,474 is grants are approved. Those numbers are higher than in March when Turk asked the board for permission to pursue the grant. He said the higher cost is because of requirements from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality for conceptual plans and a site survey.
“We may be able to reduce the numbers” after a meeting with state officials at the site, Turk said, but he still said his budget can handle the Phase I local match of $8,475 because of a full-time position that has not been filled during this fiscal year.
If the grants are approved and the original projected timeline holds, it will be at least next summer before construction can take place.
Officials hope it can happen as soon as possible, because of existing concerns about the state of the existing ramp. Concrete launch pads are heaving and have corners broken off.
“With the grade we have now, people are running opportunities to put their gas tanks under water and get their feet awfully wet when they try to launch,” Trustee Daniel Travis said.
Treasurer James Wenger, while commending Turk for finding room in the current budget for the grant application and the Phase I match, asked whether there is a confidence about a “not to exceed” figure.
Supervisor Dale Stuart said any future cost increases will come back to the board for review before approval is given.
According to documents provided by Turk, Phase I will include all necessary plans and applications, including three to five conceptual drawings, meetings with MDNR and MDEQ and the final conceptual plan with the permit application. Phase II include the application for a construction grant and the actual construction.
The Deer Lake boat launch is a popular spot. Turk said about 150 access permits were sold last year, with an estimated 600 launches.

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