Toddler found running naked along road

Last Friday, at approximately 11:47a.m., a deputy at the Addison Twp. substation was pulling out of the township parking lot when he noticed a two-year-old boy running naked down Rochester Rd. near Cantley.
The young boy was unable to communicate with the deputy, due to his age, and he was transported to the substation.
Child Protective Services (CPS) was contacted to take custody of the child, but the child’s 23-year-old mother arrived almost two hours later claiming that her son was missing.
She explained that she had laid her son down to sleep and she went to sleep with him. When she woke up, he was gone. She began to search the neighborhood and was advised by a neighbor that the sheriff’s office had picked him up.
CPS was advised that the mother was at the substation and she authorized the release of the boy to his mother, but that they’d still be checking up on the situation.

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