Title changes to eliminate confusion

The Oxford Board of Education voted unanimously last Tuesday night to pass an administration restructuring proposal and to split the Director of Special Education and Crossroads for Youth into two positions.
The restructuring creates new titles for three positions at the central offices and would not initiate any pay raises.
Jim Schwarz’s Director of Curriculum position will now be called the Asst. Superintendent of Curriculum, while the Executive Director for Business and Finance position, held by Tim Loock, will be called the Asst. Superintendent of Business and Operations.
Nancy Kammer’s Assistant Superintendent position will be called the Deputy Superintendent of Human Resources.
Superintendent William Skilling said the title changes will eliminate confusion when an employee has a question or problem, and would distribute responsibilities more evenly at no cost to the district.
‘We’re just kind of making it intuitive and clear as to who is reporting to who,? he said. ‘I think that with this, we’re going to be seeing more efficiency, better communication and we’re going to have better accountability within our district.?
Skilling calls the restructuring a ‘service model? form. He, as superintendent, is there to serve the assistant superintendents below him, and they are there to serve the principals below them, and so on and so forth.
Because of the large number of students with special needs in the Oxford School District, the board decided to split the job duties of the current Director of Special Education and Crossroads for Youth, Jerry Oermann, into two positions.
‘He was doing both positions (part-time) and there were things falling through the cracks as a result,? Skilling said.
Oermann will now be the Director of Special Education and Crossroads for Youth, and a new position for the Assistant Director for Crossroads for Youth will be available.
What’s more, the district will actually make more money from the government by splitting the position, according to Skilling.
As a result of having only one position, the district lost money from the county and state for special ed funding. Skilling said that new revenue, which totals $258,564, will cover the entire cost for the new position and most of the cost for the special ed. director.
If anyone’s interested in the Assistant Director for Crossroads for Youth position, send your resum’s to Nancy Kammer at 105 Pontiac St., Oxford, MI 48371.

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