Thought provoking play from Everest

Everest Collegiate Drama Club presents the two-act comedy Rumors, by Neil Simon, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m., Saturday-Sunday, Dec. 11-12. Tickets can be purchased at the door.
Rumors tells the story of three married couples arriving at a 10th anniversary party for their friends Myra and Charlie, and is set in 1990s New York City.
“The plot line is rife with rumors, innuendo and damaging half truths,” said Aileen Cronin, director. “It is a modern morality play dealing with the insidious nature of idle gossip and hastily drawn conclusions based on ill formed, sketchy information.”
Assuming the worst about one another as individuals and couples, the characters jump to conclusions that are not only unflattering and totally false, but also potentially ruinous. The d’nouement sorts out all misunderstandings and mix-ups, ending with a celebration for all the married couples, Cronin said.
“Our production aspires to provoke thoughts of personal responsibility and the power of the spoken word,” she said. “From biblical characters such as Ruth and Mary, to Shakespearean tragic heroine, Desdemona, many individuals have suffered the consequences of suspicion and the rumor mill. Hopefully, all who attend will leave a bit more mindful of the power of words.”

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