By Jim Newell
Review Editor
Another year nearly over and a new one about to begin. This week, The Lake Orion Review looks back at some of the stories that shaped the community in the first half of 2017 — the news, business, sports and school highlights in Orion Township and Lake Orion from January – June.
In next week’s issue, we’ll review the news and events from July – December.
So, without further ado, this is the news that was…
Jan. 4
Runners show resolve for DDA’s17th annual New Year’s Resolution Run: For the 285 people who turned out on a frigid Sunday morning, it was either a commitment to a healthy new year or the desire to support a Lake Orion tradition during the Downtown Development Authority’s annual New Year’s Resolution Run 5K and 1K run/walk.
LOHS Grad holds bone marrow registry Saturday; Barber will run across America this summer for cancer awareness, research: For Kylie Barber, a 2015 Lake Orion High School graduate, spending her summer vacation running across America with other college students for a good cause seemed like…a fun challenge.
Barber will spend 49 days, from June 18 to Aug. 5, as part of the 4K for Cancer Run, trekking from San Francisco to Baltimore, Md., to raise awareness for cancer research and support programs.
Jan. 11
Ellen Carlson, Former co-owner of The Lake Orion Review, passes at 97: One of the First Ladies of The Lake Orion Review – a fixture at the newspaper for 34 years – has died. Ellen Lucille Blom Carlson, a resident of Lake Orion for nearly 50 years, died in Huntington Beach, California on Jan. 5.
Village Manager to take position with Ypsilanti: Lake Orion Village Manager Darwin McClary is likely leaving the village and accepting a position as city manager with the City of Ypsilanti.
Residents oppose plans for a proposed Gregory Meadows subdivision; Orion Twp. Planning Commission postpones decision: Nearly a hundred people showed up at a public hearing for a new subdivision on Gregory Road, all of them opposed to the project.
The meeting on Jan. 4 was a chance for the planning commission and township board to hear plans from developer Michael Furnari of Fairview Companies on the proposed subdivision.
The proposal calls for rezoning the area from suburban farms to a planned unit development zoning. After hearing the plans, the planning commission postponed a decision on the development to give the developer time to submit new plans.
LO elementary schools highly ranked in academics, teachers: Lake Orion Community Schools were ranked as the number 35 school district out of 518 districts reviewed throughout Michigan, and Blanche Sims and Webber schools ranked highest of the elementary buildings in the district.
The district received an overall rating of A- regarding its 12 district schools, which received overall A ratings for teachers and variety of clubs and activities. awarded Lake Orion schools an A- for college readiness.
Paint Creek Trail extension begins this spring: Plans to extend the Paint Creek Trail into the Village of Lake Orion are moving forward after the owners of the Lake Orion Lumber Company agreed to an easement through their property. Lake Orion Lumber signed the easement papers on Dec. 29.
Jan. 18
LOHS students ‘Cell Out for Soldiers’: A record 1,950 high school students went phoneless on Friday, voluntarily taking part in Lake Orion High School’s third annual Cell Out for Soldiers fundraiser.
In 2015, 80 percent of the high school students participated in Cell Out, and 82 percent participated last year. This year 90 percent participated. The school contributes to the Minutes that Matter program, providing call-time to service men and women to stay in touch with their families.
Athletic Director Chris Bell names long-time assistant John Blackstock as new varsity football head coach: After 19 years as the varsity football head coach at Lake Orion High School, Chris Bell is stepping down from the position. Bell was promoted to District Athletic Director on Sept. 1. John Blackstock has been an assistant coach at Lake Orion for 19 years.
Dragon Grapplers Take 1st place at Bad Axe Invitational: The Lake Orion Varsity Wrestling team crushed 14 other Michigan wrestling teams, earning a first-place title at the Bad Axe Hatchet Invitational on Jan. 14.
Jan. 25
Lake Orion releases elementary boundaries: Lake Orion Community Schools announced the district boundaries for the upcoming 2017-18 school year at the Board of Education meeting Jan. 11, and plans to release the new middle school attendance boundaries at the Jan. 25 board meeting. The new boundaries are part of the district’s restructuring once Pine Tree Elementary closes.
New restaurant coming to 51 North building: Waterford-based restaurant Fork and Pint has purchased the property at 51 N. Broadway St. in downtown Lake Orion.
LOPD police officer crashes patrol car into porch: A Lake Orion police officer “momentarily” fell asleep while driving early Saturday morning, crashing his patrol car into a house, damaging the front porch and totaling the police cruiser.
The incident happened at 4:10 a.m. Jan. 21 when the officer, a 12-year veteran with the department, was on duty in a marked patrol car traveling east on E. Flint St. near Washington Street, said LOPD Chief Jerry Narsh.
Fire ravages historic Lake Orion Pet Centre building: A fire early Saturday morning has virtually destroyed the Lake Orion Pet Centre, a mainstay in the downtown community for decades.
The fire took six hours for fire crews to completely extinguish, with firefighters from Orion Township’s four fire stations and the Lake Orion Police Dept. responding to the emergency.
The “tone” or alarm came into the fire stations at 8:12 a.m., with a crew and fire truck from Station One on nearby Anderson Street arriving at the fire in less than a minute, said Orion Twp. Fire Chief Bob Smith.
LOPD Officers Todd Stanfield and Brian Martinez were patrolling the area when the alarm sounded and arrived at the fire within seconds, evacuating four residents from the upstairs apartments and rescuing four kenneled dogs from the Pet Centre, said police Chief Jerry Narsh.
“We’re pretty confident that it started between the floor and ceiling of that second level,” he said, adding that investigators “were not ruling out that it was electrical in nature,” Smith said.
Feb. 8
Township approves land swap with state for Joslyn Road property: The Orion Twp. Board of Trustees approved a land swap resolution for property it owns in Oakland Twp. for a piece of land the state owns adjacent to the township hall on Joslyn Road.
Supervisor Chris Barnett said the township has been working for four years to get to this point in the land-swap deal, which he called a “win-win” for all parties involved. Orion township owns more than 14 acres and a home at 2510 Orion Road in Oakland Twp. and received 76 acres in return.
GoFundMe account set up for ‘Bruce the homeless guy’: Many people know him as “Bruce the Homeless Guy” or simply as Bruce, the resident Lake Orion wanderer who, for the past 16 years, sleeps wrapped in a sleeping bag and plastic behind the Kmart at E. Clarkston and Lapeer roads.
But Bruce Gertz is now in his early sixties and the cold Michigan winters can mete out a cruel toll. While Bruce is currently in a local hotel, a grassroots effort to help keep him warm and fed is underway, and organizers of the endeavor need a little help to keep Bruce in a hotel room until the weather warms.
Lake Orion Pet Centre cats found alive after fire ravages building; LOPA sets up GoFundMe account for Centre: The Lake Orion Police Association has set up a GoFundMe account to help the owners of the Lake Orion Pet Centre after a fire virtually destroyed much of the building on Jan. 28.
So far, they have raised $1,665 of the $20,000 goal as of Tuesday afternoon, all in a three-day time frame. The fund also will aid the tenants who lived in the three upstairs apartments.
Feb. 15
Village Council prepares to steer roadway repair program; Residents will likely have to ante up for street repairs: The Lake Orion Village Council is in the process of developing a street repair and replacement program and determining which streets to repair first.
Lake Orion has 2.74 miles of roads designated as major streets and another 8.85 miles of local roads. Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc., the village’s engineers, recommended the village spend $750,000 a year on its street improvement program.
Vandals strike Paint Creek Trail; Orion Twp. asks residents’ help nabbing the perpetrators: Vandals have yet again returned to the Paint Creek Trail area over the weekend, spray painting signs, walkways and trees with vulgar language and images.
“Dozens, if not hundreds, of hours are spent trying to keep it (the trail) open and welcoming for all. These hours are not free; in fact, they are very costly to our residents and taxpayers,” said township Supervisor Chris Barnett, adding the township will be prosecuting to the fullest extent of the law. Barnett publicly offer a reward of $1,000 to anyone who can identify the vandals.
Police chief, clerk tapped as interim co-managers for the Village of Lake Orion: Police Chief Jerry Narsh and Clerk Susan Galeczka will share the responsibilities of the village manager. The village council voted 6-0 on Thursday to use Narsh and Galeczka to fill the position until it selects a permanent replacement for current Manager Darwin McClary, who is leaving Feb. 24 to take the helm in the City of Ypsilanti as the new city manager.
Feb. 22
Authorities identify Paint Creek Trail vandalism suspects, charges expected: Vandals who spray painted vulgar words and images on the signs, trees and walkways on the Paint Creek Trail have been identified after a trail cam photo of the suspects went viral last week.
Three of the four suspects – three females and one male, ages 17-21 – went to the Oakland County Sheriff’s Substation in Orion Twp. after learning that their images had been posted on social media.
Lake Orion schools announce three distinct Teachers of the Year: Lake Orion Community Schools announced the 2017 Teacher of the Year award winners: Kevin Kopec, a government, economic and current global issues teacher at LOHS; Kelly Cerny, a sixth-grade social studies teacher at Scripps Middle School; and Nancy Secor, a kindergarten teacher at Paint Creek Elementary.
20 Front Street live music venue receives $22k historic preservation grant from DDA.
Polly Ann Trail will see ‘goatscaping’ in near future.
March 1
Orion Art Center to lease Moose Tree Nature Preserve bldg.: Lake Orion Community Schools and the Orion Art Center are close to signing an agreement for the Art Center to lease Moose Tree center for its programs.
The details of the agreement have not been released other than that the Art Center would lease the Moose Tree facility for three years.
Vandals strike Paint Creek Trail for the second time in two weeks: For the second time in as many weeks vandals have left their mark on the Paint Creek Trail, but this time the suspects were caught red-handed, holding cans of spray paint as Oakland County Sheriff’s Deputies confronted the youths on the trail.
A witness called police after seeing five teens enter the trail near E. Clarkston and Kern roads at 3:42 p.m. Feb. 22. carrying cans of spray paint and walking toward the creek.
LOPD Officer involved in car crash receives ‘corrective action’: The Lake Orion Police Dept. has completed an investigation into an officer-involved traffic accident, in which the on-duty officer crashed his patrol car into the front porch of a home at 4:10 a.m. Jan. 21.
Chief Jerry Narsh said the officer, a 12-year veteran, had received “corrective action” and that the police department conducted re-training with its officers on nighttime safety driving and safe motor vehicle operations.
March 8
Lake Orion has ‘America’s Favorite Crossing Guard’; Penni Robertson receives national award at school assembly: For her dedication in keeping Carpenter Elementary walkers and bikers safe, Robertson has received the first “America’s Favorite Crossing Guard” recognition from Safe Kids Worldwide and FedEx during an awards ceremony March 1.
Lake Orion schools cut one principal position, reassigns three others to new buildings for next school year: As part of Lake Orion Community Schools restructuring plans, one elementary school principal has been laid off due to the closure of Pine Tree Elementary beginning in the 2017-18 school year.
Lake Orion finishes 7th at cheer state championships on March 3.
Lady Dragons place 5th at bowling State Finals.
March 15
Orion Veteran’s Memorial seeks assistance for new military sculpture: Orion’s Veterans Memorial will soon see an exciting addition, an ode to all branches of the military, with a large German Shepherd statue on top of sandbags, surrounded by artillery shells.
Former Oxford Village Manager Joseph Young gets council’s vote for top admin. spot: The Lake Orion Village Council voted 6-0 at its meeting on Monday to formerly “extend an offer of employment” to Joseph Young as Lake Orion’s new village manager.
Child pornography defendant sentenced to 90 years in prison after ‘despicable crime’: A former Lake Orion man who recorded his abuse of three children has been found guilty in U.S. district court and will spend the rest of his life in jail.
Michael David Pierce, age 60, formerly of Lake Orion, was sentenced to 90 years in prison on three counts of Production of Child Pornography in United States District Court – Eastern Division by Judge Sean F. Cox at 2 p.m. March 8, said Lake Orion Police Chief Jerry Narsh.
High winds wreak havoc on Orion area: Hundreds of Orion residents and many businesses were left without power after high-wind storms on March 8.
Wind gusts up to 65 miles per hour left many residents in distress. Downed trees, downed power lines and even a fallen fence leading to flying debris at the landfill on Brown Road were just a few issues that resulted from the high winds.
Orion Twp. sheriff’s deputies responded to 72 calls for service in a 24-hour period during and after the storm.
March 22
Oxford narrowly defeats Lake Orion in Special Olympics basketball showdown: Despite a late-game comeback by the Dragons, the Wildcats managed to hold on to a two-point lead and win 24-22 during the annual Special Olympics basketball game between the schools.
They are Oakland’s NEXT: County officials and community and business leaders held the inaugural Oakland NEXT: A Future You Didn’t Know Existed career event at Lake Orion High School March 15 with the goal of keeping students in the county after they graduate from college.
March 29
Village approves contract with Young for manager’s role: The village council voted 5-0 at its meeting Monday to officially approve a contract with Joseph Young and appointed him village manager. An official swearing-in ceremony will take place once Young begins his first day of work on April 3.
‘Wall of Excellence’ to recognize outstanding Dragon graduates: Lake Orion High School is developing a “Wall of Excellence” to recognize the most outstanding Lake Orion High School Dragons, to celebrate their success and provide outstanding role models for the students at the high school.
Alumni of Lake Orion High School who graduated in 2012 or earlier and have achieved exceptional accomplishments in their chosen occupational field are eligible for nomination.
Lake Orion Pet Centre to be demolished, rebuilt: Police Chief Jerry Narsh, who is currently serving as interim village manager, said he has spoken with the Pet Centre owners, who said they want to rebuild, and that the building will likely have commercial space in the lower level and that the upper level would be residential.
April 5
Supervisor delivers 5th State of the Township address, reveals new ballfield, township park in the works: Orion Twp. Supervisor Chris Barnett gave his annual State of the Township address March 29, highlighting business and housing development, low crime rates, township amenities and revealed new projects planned for 2017.
In the address – A Celebration of Success: The People and Places that Make Orion Extraordinary! – Barnett also emphasized the people and places that “make this a great community.”
Orion native honored as ‘Firefighter of the Year’ by peers, VFW: Lt. Chris Hagan of the Orion Twp. Fire Dept. was selected as Firefighter of the Year in March. Hagan, a 2006 Lake Orion High School graduate, joined the fire department in 2007. The Firefighter of the Year recognition is awarded through the veterans from the North Oakland VFW Post 334.
Scripps Elem. teacher named Language Teacher of the Year: Melissa Dalton, a Spanish and Japanese language teacher at Scripps Middle School, received the 2017 Language Teacher of the Year award from the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (CSCTFL).
April 12
Village of Lake Orion prepares 2017-18 budget: The village’s fiscal year begins July 1 and ends June 30, 2018. The proposed budget projections include a beginning General Fund balance of $466,288, with $1.8 million in expected revenues, $1.8 million in expenditures. A total beginning fund balance of $8.486 million, with $5.958 million in expected revenues and $6.203 million in expenditures.
The ending total fund balance of $8.241 million represents a $244,575 deficit. Village Manager Joe Young said the budget needs some “finessing” before the council votes on the final proposed budget.
Sheriff’s Department cites area businesses for selling to minors during liquor license inspections: Sheriff’s deputies began conducting routine liquor license inspections at several businesses in Orion Township last week, citing three for selling to minors after employees failed to adequately check the identification of a police decoy.
The businesses in violation were issued Michigan Liquor Control Commission violations and the employees who sold alcohol to the minor were also individually cited for providing alcohol to a minor.
Suspect who led police on chase through Orion arraigned: A man who led authorities on a chase through the village and township on Friday and resisted arrest is now in the Oakland County jail on $50,000 bond.
On Saturday, Terry Lynn Fisher was arraigned before Magistrate Judith Holtz of the 52-3 District Court. The situation began April 7 when the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Communications Center received several calls from citizens reporting a reckless driver southbound on M-24.
Sheriff’s Office seeks information on cash register bandit: The Oakland County Sheriff’s Office is looking for a suspect who broke into the PX2 Automotive on Lapeer Road on April 7 and made off with a cash register.
April 19
Orion Twp. looks to sell Atwater property: In June 2013, Orion Twp. closed on a land purchase deal for three parcels on Atwater Street with the intention of building a new fire station on the site. Now, Orion Twp. is looking to sell the property and has recently received an offer. The township also plans to renovate fire station No.1 on Anderson Street.
HGTV’s Nicole Curtis visits Lake Orion to open her latest ‘Rehab Addict’ project: Nicole Curtis of HGTV’s Rehab Addict visited Lake Orion to open her latest project, a 1925 Cottage at 23 Heights Road, and raise money for a local family. Curtis is a 1994 Lake Orion High School graduate. Hundreds of people showed up to meet Curtis during a book signing.
Fatal house fire claims the life of Orion Twp. woman: An Orion Twp. woman, 54, has died after a fatal house fire late Thursday night in the 800 block of Vernita Drive.
The fire began about 3:13 a.m. April 13, with the Orion Twp. Fire Dept. and the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office responding. When sheriff’s deputies arrived at the scene, the home was fully engulfed in flames.
Woman drives her car into hair salon: A 95-year-old woman crashed her vehicle into the Premier Hair Salon on Lapeer Road shortly after 4 p.m. April 14.
April 26
Sub-committee to evaluate Lake Orion’s request to become a member of the Paint Creek Trail Commission: The Village of Lake Orion currently has a representative on the Paint Creek Trail Commission, but only as a non-voting member. Now that the Downtown Development Authority is extending the Paint Creek Trail through the village, they have asked the Trail Commission to become a full voting member.
NOTA employee allegedly steals thousands in gas for personal use: A North Oakland Transportation Authority (NOTA) employee who allegedly embezzled thousands of dollars using a NOTA gas card is under investigation and could face charges after results of the investigation are turned over to the county prosecutor’s office.
LOHS Robotics Team 302 heads to St. Louis for World Championship: The FIRST Robotics Championships is April 27-29 and features more than 400 teams from around the world.
May 3
Free Press fiasco finally finished: Orion Twp., Detroit Free Press select to settle lawsuit; In a case that has lasted more than a year, the battle between Orion Township and the Detroit Free Press has come to a resolution, with both parties selecting to settle the case of littering versus First Amendment Rights.
NOTA employee racks up more than $8K in fuel charges, policy say: The Lake Orion Police Department has arrested a North Oakland Transportation Authority employee who allegedly embezzled thousands of dollars using a NOTA gas card.
Andrea Nicole Vrsek, a 10-year NOTA employee was arrested on April 27 on one count of Embezzlement – Agent or Trustee, a 5-year felony and $10,000 fine.
Team 302 takes silver: Lake Orion High School Robotics Team 302 competed in the World Championships in St. Louis last week. Their alliance went on to take the silver medal.
May 10
LOPD GunSafe program aims to help secure firearms when residents are away: The Lake Orion Police Dept. has created a new program to help gun owners secure their firearms when they are away – by turning those firearms over to the police. Temporarily.
Under the GunSafe program, a gunowner can check their firearm into the LOPD for safe storage, fill out a one-time agreement form that details the program, and sign it. The LOPD will store the owner’s firearms in a secure location at the police department until the gun owner decides to retrieve it.
LO Post Office will collect on Saturday for the Stamp Out Hunger food drive: The 25th annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive is this weekend and residents can help out their neighbors by leaving any amount of non-perishable food items by their mail box on Saturday so local postal carriers here can swoop by to pick them up.
All donations from Orion will be given to the local food bank, FISH, which serves resident in Oxford, Orion, Addison and Oakland townships.
Village offers repair options for Lakeview Street flooding: During a public meeting at village hall on May 1, several property owners on Lakeview Street raised concerns regarding flooding and property damage issues they feel have been caused by the design of the roadway and its breakdown from lack of maintenance.
Lake Orion’s Yearbook staff wins prestigious Spartan award: LOHS tudents earn 60 individual honors at the Michigan Interscholastic Press Associations Spring Awards conference.
May 17
‘Safe Routes to School’ proposal takes a step forward in Orion Twp., LOCS; $1.7 million in improvements eyed for K-8 buildings: Orion Township officials are working on a plan to bring $1.7 million in sidewalk and pathway improvements to Lake Orion Community Schools (LOCS) and will submit a proposal for the Safe Routes to School grant by the end of the month.
LO Village to address 2017-18 budget and tax increase at May 22 meeting: The Lake Orion Village Council held a public hearing on the proposed 2017-18 fiscal year budget at its meeting May 8, and is expected to vote on adopting the budget at its May 22 meeting.
The council could vote on increasing the property taxes on ad valorem property tax. The proposed 0.365 millage increase in the operating tax millage to be levied in 2017 would increase the operating revenue from ad valorem property taxes by 3.12 percent for the village.
Village DDA receive top honors at Main Street Oakland County Gala: The winner of the Spirit of Main Street went to the Lake Orion DDA for the 4-minute video, “Yes! Lake Orion”, produced by the DDA.
The video showcases the spirit, enthusiasm and determination of the downtown. Executive Director Molly LaLone accepted the award, which included a $2,000 giant-sized check sponsored by Genisys Credit Union.
“Yes! Lake Orion” can be viewed at
Orion Veterans host inaugural Memorial Day 5k race: Race proceeds will support the Orion Veteran’s Memorial and the Lake Orion DDA.
OAYA recognizes students for their commitment to serving the community: The Orion Area Youth Assistance 2017 Youth Recognition Awards at Lake Orion High School on May 10 saluted the students who volunteer their time for such causes as mentoring younger students, assisting with special needs youths, community enrichment programs and the R.O.C.K. Club at Pine Tree Elementary.
Girls varsity track team completes undefeated season: The Dragons have seven girls ranked in the top ten in Division One track rankings.
May 24
Village residents to see police millage on July tax bill; Council adopts 2017-18 budget: Residents will see what may look like an increase on their tax bills this July, but it is in fact the same tax rate they’ve been paying all along. Only now, the police millage is included on the July tax bill in addition to the village General Fund operating millage tax bill.
LOCS takes ‘unique’ approach to attract families, students: Lake Orion schools took an unusual tactic to attracting more students to the district May 17, inviting area realtors for an informational breakfast to promote the district’s best features.
The intent of the approach was to highlight the district with the hopes that when the realtors are recommending homes to potential homebuyers Lake Orion is foremost in their minds.
Bob Butler recognized as 2017 Lake Orion Memorial Day Honored Veteran.
Lake Orion clerk awarded CMMA designation: Clerk Susan Galeczka has successfully completed the Certified Michigan Municipal Clerk continuing education program.
Regional Champs! LO Girls win track regionals, county meet: The Lady Dragons continued their post season success, winning the Division 1 Region 9 Championship at their home track. The previous regional win for the girls track and field team was in 2010.
LO Mens Track & Field OAA Red League champs for the sixth year in a row: Lake Orion’s men’s track and field won their sixth straight OAA Red League Championship on May 9. Three athletes — Thomas Moreman, Tyler Skibicki and Zach Dinverno — also qualified individually for the state meet in June.
May 31
Surviving blood cancer and helping find a cure has been a journey for ‘Girl of the Year’: “My entire life has been a journey,” says Catie Maurer, who is a smiling, full-of-life 16-year-old junior at Lake Orion High School.
Catie, with the continued support of her mom, Julie, raised $18,253 for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society over a seven-week period, and because she collected the most money she earned the Student of the Year designation as well as a $3,500 college scholarship.
June 7
LOCS starts Advocacy Committee to combat legislative issues: Lake Orion Community Schools Superintendent Marion Ginopolis took an unusual approach to combat the most pressing legislative issues affecting schools by forming a legislative advocacy committee.
This committee is not, however, comprised of career educators or school board members. Ginopolis is calling on the power of the people – the parents and other concerned citizens – to help the district sway votes in Lansing to positions favorable to the district.
Grieving father warns students, adults about the dangers of distracted driving: “All I have left of my youngest son is his memory,” said Carlos Fuentes.
And his mangled car.
Fuentes had his son’s car displayed at Lake Orion High School last week, just in time for prom and graduation season.
June 14
School district, LOEA agree to one-year contract terms: Lake Orion schools and the Lake Orion Education Association have reached terms on a one-year contract for the 2017-18 school year after the school board voted unanimously to approve the contract at its May 24 meeting.
100 mph motorcycle chase ends in village, suspect in serious condition: ‘It looked like a comet coming at ground level.’: A high-speed motorcycle chase that began on I-75 in Auburn Hills ended in Lake Orion after the driver of the Yamaha motorcycle hit a curb and crashed near the M-24/Broadway Street intersection early Monday morning.
The suspect, a 28-year-old Davison man, survived the crash but is in serious condition at an area hospital as of Monday afternoon.
Lake Orion DDA receives 11th national Main Street accreditation.
Milosch’s Palace makes Crain’s Top 200 business list for 2016.
June 21

Police seek runaway, 16, possibly armed: Lake Orion schools closed all their buildings on Monday and Tuesday as the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office searched for a 16-year-old runaway who authorities say might be armed with a handgun.
At 6:30 a.m. on Monday, sheriff’s deputies responded to the 600 block of Highville after the teen’s grandfather reported him missing, as well as a hand gun and ammunition.
Authorities believe that the minor – identified as Nathan Charles Greiwe – left his grandfather’s home between 4:30 – 6:30 a.m. on foot and is in the Orion Township area.
School board approves tax levy rate, first reading of general fund budget: The board of education unanimously approved the 2017-18 tax rate levy and the first reading of the proposed 2017-18 general fund budget at its meeting June 13.
DDA Flower & Art Fair attracts nearly 6,000 visitors to downtown LO.
Work crews demolished the Lake Orion Pet Centre building on June 14: The Pet Centre, a fixture in Lake Orion for decades, caught fire Jan. 28.
June 28
The Carnival Comes to Town: Annual Lions Club Jubilee a smashing hit; The Jubilee is one of the Lions Club’s biggest fundraisers, along with the Christmas Auction.
Jury convicts man in 2016 fatal crash at Baldwin, Waldon roads: A jury has convicted Rashed Brown of second degree homicide in the July 7, 2016 fatal car crash at the intersection of Waldon and Baldwin roads that left an Independence Township man dead.
Brown, 30, a resident of Pontiac, could face up to life in prison. He is scheduled to go before Judge Wendy Potts at 8:30 a.m. July 25 for sentencing.
Please see next week’s issue for Part 2 of The Year in Review.
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