Thank you to our firefighters, who are never off the clock

During my recent stay at Lake Orion Nursing and Rehab Center (my stay was due to a hip replacement surgery) my roommate, Donna Eagle, and I were discussing how we could regulate the sounds on our individual TV’s as to not bother with it being too loud, etc.

I told her I have a set of TV ears that I could use to direct my sound to my headset.

She had been on the phone with her daughter, Maggie, and explained all of this to her husband.

My problem was I did not know how to hook them to the TV in the nursing home.

This was about 9:30 p.m. and Maggie in turn explained all of this to her husband, David Crabtree, who is one of our own Lake Orion Firefighters.

He said ‘I will come over and see what I can do.’ He came over, which is about 15 miles away, that late at night, and I may also say in the freezing cold.

He indeed got my TV ears hooked up and running smoothly.

This he did on his own time and I want everyone to know our firefighters are always at work – on their own time and other times, always ready to help no matter what the need is.

Thank you, David, you are my hero and now I also have a new friend.

I would like the chiefs of each of the fire and police departments in Lake Orion to know, your finest have been well trained, thanks to their chiefs and their teams.

Thanks again, David Crabtree.

Margaret Malloy

Lake Orion


One response to “Thank you to our firefighters, who are never off the clock”

  1. Marge, how thoughtful you wrote this to publicly recognize my husband. He is never one to seek attention although I’m sure it makes him smile to himself. I got a good one! My mom loved rooming with you and you will never know how much good you did for her. We thank you too. Maggie

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