Team forgoes pizza to help fight breast cancer

When Clarkston Prep Hockey Team hits the ice, they have more than one goal in mind. In addition to scoring points, they’re also raising money to fight breast cancer.
“It’s a great fund raiser ? the kids thought of it themselves,” said coach Paul Nelson. “They know the importance of contributing to a good cause.”
The team started by taping sticks, helmets, and equipment with pink tape in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, October. Shannon Slater, Colton Slater’s mom, thought they could do more.
“They were wearing pink and I asked him, what else will you do to step up,” Shannon said. “He came up with the idea of donating their change jar ? I’m very proud of him.”
“I’ve have aunts and teachers with it,” Colton said. “It’s cool to honor them.”
The money usually goes to pizza parties and other team events. This year, it goes to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure group.
“We pass the bucket every time we score ? we scored a bunch of goals,” said player David Boggess.
“I’ve seen $10 bills going in there,” Shannon said.
“We need a bigger bucket,” Colton said.
Dylan Smith said it’s something his team and everyone else should be doing.
“It’s so important,” Smith said. “Everything’s based on money and everyone’s self obsessed. It’s sad we have to raise money to help people, that there’s not more demand to help people.”
More teams are taking part, though.
“It’s spread to other teams who’ve see us wearing pink ? it’s really cool,” said teammate A.J. Kowal.
The team, made up of Clarkston kids in grades 9-11, is 9-1 so far, with about 40 games to go through February. They’re based at Lakeland arena in Waterford.

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