Lake Orion High School Robotics Team 302 traveled to Missouri last week to compete in the World Championships. Being selected as part of the alliance representing the Darwin subdivision that advanced to the semi-finals, their alliance went on to take the silver.
Qualification matches took place in six subdivisions over two days. Team 302 Dragons were playing in the Darwin subdivision. At the end of the qualification rounds, the teams were given a ranking according to their record and scores. Team 1986 received the highest ranking and was named captain of the alliance representing Darwin that would advance. They selected Team 3310, Team 302 and Team 3719 for their alliance.
The alliances coming out of the six subdivisions then played a round robin semi-finals where they each played the other five alliances. Darwin finished 3-2 along with three other alliances, but their match point count of 2553 ranked them as number one going to the finals.
The finals consisted of a best two out of three match. The alliance of the Daly subdivision proved to be a little too much for the Darwin alliance, outscoring them in two matches for the win.
The Team 302 Dragons brought home the silver after three days of well fought competition. Their long hours and hard work paid off and they represented our community well. Way to go Dragons! –J.O.

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