Tasers used by police to subdue larceny suspect

A Clarkston man faces two charges of larceny from an automobile and one charge of restricting and obstructing a peace officer after a Nov. 6 incident on Eagle Hill Road in Springfield Township.
Brian L. Wylie, 26, was arrested when Oakland County Sheriff deputies responded to a report of home invasion. Wylie was one of those questioned at the scene and, according to reports, included in his written statement that he took items from two vehicles in previous incidents at that address.
Deputies placed Wylie in the rear seat of a patrol car to write his statement. During that time he produced a cigarette, and was warned not to smoke in the vehicle, reports said. A short time later, deputies found him smoking in the vehicle.
Wylie allegedly refused to extinguish the cigarette and, when deputies attempted to remove him from the vehicle, became combative.
Two deputies used their Taser weapons to subdue the suspect, with both darts hitting him in the head. He was transported to the North Oakland Medical Center for treatment, then taken to the Oakland County Jail.
Reports said Wylie is also under investigation for possession of marijuana in addition to the home invasion incident, but charges were not immediately filed on those counts.
The larceny charges stemmed from Wylie’s alleged theft of construction equipment. He claimed the items belonged to him, but deputies said they have evidence to the contrary.
According to Deputy Ken Overby, Wylie was arraigned in weekend court, with bond established at $10,000 cash for each of the three counts. Court date information was not immediately available.

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