Supes want more input

No local funds are going to a county-wide consolidated trash service study, but they may soon.
Before that happens, supervisors want to know what people think.
‘We’re appealing for opinions,? said Mike Trout, Springfield Township supervisor. ‘Tell us what you’d like to see.?
‘We want to get a feel for how the community views this,? said David Wagner, supervisor of Independence Township.
Surveys have been on township websites for about a month, but response has been light. Independence Township has 38 responses out of about 35,000 residents, while in Springfield Township, 14 out of about 14,000 responded.
Oakland County’s Capital and Cooperative Initiatives Revolving Fund study examines consolidating trash and recycling programs to save money and reduce landfill waste. Also participating are Brandon, Groveland, Waterford, West Bloomfield, and White Lake townships.
The most advanced system would limit services to a few or one hauler companies across all seven communities. In the franchise system, local municipalities would select a company through competitive bids. The system would reduce individual choice but increase efficiency, proponents say.
Study results will be available soon, and townships may take action, such as gathering bids, by the end of the year.
For Independence Township residents, go to and click on ‘Take the Independence Township Resident Survey on Waste and Recycling Services.?
In Springfield Township, go to and click on ‘Please take a moment and complete the CCIRF Project Survey.?
Paper copies of the surveys are available at township halls, 6483 Waldon Center Drive in Independence Township and 12000 Davisburg Road in Springfield Township.
‘Hard copies are available ? pick it up at township hall and fill it out right there,? Trout said.
For more information, call Independence Township at 248-625-5111 or Springfield Township at 248-846-6500.

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