Summer season construction slows traffic

The ‘stop? and ‘slow? parade on Holcomb Road should not have to proceed much longer, as paving was expected to begin this week.
Motorists have encountered delays ? including extended stretches of one-lane traffic ? because of the water main and storm sewer project, which includes new curbs and pavement.
Gary Tressel, of the engineering firm of Hubbell, Roth and Clark, said pre-paving grading was scheduled to begin Tuesday, with asphalt coming Tuesday and Wednesday. After a break for the Independence Day weekend, workers will be back to finish the street and driveway aprons next week.
Spring rains delayed construction a bit, but recent weeks have seen better progress.
‘It’s gone as well as can be expected for a project of this magnitude,? Tressel said.
The impact of the Holcomb construction has also been felt on Main Street (M-15), and in at least four cases last week it was literal impact. Clarkston Police Chief Ernest Combs said four rear-end crashes happened, including one in which a driver was taken to the hospital.
‘The traffic on Main Street has slowed considerably,? Combs said.
While he doesn’t necessarily endorse it, Combs admits that many motorists use Holcomb south of Washington as an alternate route to Dixie Highway and White Lake Road. The Holcomb construction has shifted more vehicles onto M-15, he said.
Part of the confusion for motorists, Combs said, is the lack of warning to drivers that Holcomb is under construction. That is a duty under the jurisdiction of the Road Commission for Oakland County, he said.
‘They don’t have proper signage on that,? he said, especially for those coming from White Lake Road to the south. ‘Once they drive through [the construction] they don’t come back.?
Combs has particular sympathy for the people who live on and near Holcomb.
‘It’s a real mess over there,? he said, ‘but the light is at the end of the tunnel and it’s looking brighter every day.?
Tressel said he hasn’t heard much in the way of complaints or questions about traffic delays.
‘It’s been more, ‘What will it be like when it’s finished??? he said.
When the Holcomb work is finished, much of the construction focus in Clarkston will shift to Waldon Road just east of M-15, where materials are already in place for a similar street project. Tressel said the entire project is scheduled to be complete by October.
In the meantime, crews ask for continued patience as street work continues.
‘Sometimes people step on the gas a little too much after being delayed,? Tressel said. ‘Slow down and give the workers a little room. It would be appreciated.?
Combs has the same advice, regardless of the location.
‘Be particularly patient when driving through town,? the chief said.

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