Students honored for outstanding citizenship

Clarkston Area Optimist Club honored three Outstanding Student Citizens, Feb. 17.
Madeline Caldwell is a fourth grade student at Springfield Plains Elementary.
“She’s a gift to humanity,” said her teacher, Heidi Kroll. “She’s strong. Nothing disturbs her peace of mind.”
Caldwell was student council president in third grade. She bakes, is active in basketball, dance, and at her church, St. Daniel’s, and loves her family.
She leads by example, and likes making people happy because it makes her happy.
‘She’s an outstanding role model and exceptional leader,? Kroll said. ‘She sees only the best in others. She’s a wonderful leader with a heart of gold.?
She is inspiring and brings joy to Springfield Plains, the teacher said.
“I really like it. It’s an honor,” Caldwell said. “I work hard ? it makes me happy to get good grades and make friends, to get into a good college and become an orthodontist.”
Madison Schoeneweg represented Independence Elementary for this year’s Outstanding Student Citizens.
“It was such a hard decision, we have so many amazing kids in school,” said Dr. Kristen Gretka, fifth grade teacher. “Madison is such a pleasure and a joy.”
She is kind, hard working, and a fabulous student, Gretka added.
“She never gives up,” her teacher said.
“Her smile greets every living creature,” said Principal Chris Turner.
“I just like to help Dr. Gretka,” Schoeneweg said. “I like science, I love math and writing, and how teachers are so kind.”
She acts on stage in shows including ‘The Little Mermaid,? ‘Annie,? ‘Shrek,? and ‘Into the Woods,? and is also active in dance, singing, and gymnastics.
Her friends say she is awesome, an inspiration, always there for other people, and never gets involved in drama, Gretka said.
Jamael McKinney was unanimously chosen to represent Andersonville Elementary, said Andersonville Principal Kim Fletcher .
“When we read the Optimist Creed, it was evident to us, that was Jamael,” Fletcher said.
Classmates say he is the nicest person and the best friend, she said.
“He makes everyone feel happy and puts in the extra effort to reach out to classmates,” said Rob Grekowicz, fifth grade teacher.
The award winner is active in church and sports, where he enjoys being part of a team, something bigger than himself, Grekowicz said.
“He’s grown a lot since kindergarten,” he said.
The school motto, “Where everybody is somebody,” and where every story is valued is something the student takes to heart, Grekowicz said.
“This is part of your story now,” the teacher said. “You’re a wonderful person. I can’t wait to see the wonderful things you will do next.”
McKinney learned these things from his parents, Josh and Cathy, the student said.
“We’re super proud of him,” Josh said. “This is awesome.”
“It’s deserving,” Cathy said. “I think it’s great.”

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