Student wants to promote ‘understanding’

In a world troubled by terrorism and fear, traveling to other countries has taken on new meaning. In fact, many Americans now avoid the prospect altogether.
However, a few remain who not only want to see other countries, but also form an understanding of their cultures.
Clarkston High School sophomore Kara Huth is just that type of person.
Huth, 14, was selected for the People to People Student Ambassador Programs. She is invited to travel and study in Australia and New Zealand during the summer of 2006.
‘I think it will be a fun experience. I’ve only traveled in the U.S.,? said Huth. ‘I’d like to see some other cultures and learn about them ? have some new experiences.?
Huth, who carries a 3.94 grade point average, was selected as a representative from among those students receiving National Achievement Awards. She received a letter in the mail inviting her to attend.
‘My first thought was, ‘Why was I picked,?? said Huth. ‘Then I got excited.?
‘Why? Why now with everything going on internationally?? said mom Renea, in response to the news. ‘My first selfish response was I could not let her go, but then I looked into the history of the program and the goal of spreading and learning about peace.
‘We finally decided she should do this. We though this would be a good opportunity for her.?
People to People International is a nonprofit organization promoting international understanding through direct person-to-person contact. Established in 1956 by President Dwight Eisenhower, the program was placed in the private sector in 1961, and today is an organization incorporated under the laws of the state of Missouri.
The organization’s mission statement is to ‘enhance international understanding and friendship through educational, cultural and humanitarian activities involving the exchange of ideas and experiences directly among people of different countries and diverse cultures.?
Huth said this explains why she wants to go perfectly.
‘I wanted to go some place unique, interesting,? she said. ‘You don’t hear much about Australia or the people there. I’m looking forward to seeing what the countries are like.
‘I really appreciate this opportunity. I’m excited to experience new cultures.?
Huth lives in Clarkston with her parents Renea and Tracy and 10-year-old brother Chancelor. She is active in the CHS Varsity Pom Pons and Spanish Club. She also takes lessons at The Dance Place, Ltd. in Waterford.

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