String of vehicle break-ins on Pontiac and Dennison streets

Several residents along Pontiac and Dennison streets were struck in the early morning hours of August 23 by an unknown assailant breaking into unlocked vehicles.
Six households filed reports with the Oxford Police Department in connection with the incident. A timeline based on the reports shows that the crime spree took place between 1 a.m. and dawn. Here is a listing of those break-ins reported:
? A couple on Dennison reported a leather hip pack stolen from one of their vehicles.
? A male resident on Dennison reported a radio system stolen from his vehicle.
? A 28-year-old male resident on Pontiac reported his I-Pod stolen from his vehicle.
? A female on Pontiac reported a Palm Pilot stolen from her car.
? Male resident on Dennison St. reported a diagnostic scanner and DVD player stolen from his vehicle.
? Pontiac St. resident reported several CD’s stolen from her vehicle.
The Oxford Police Department currently has no suspects in the crime spree, especially since their was no forced entry.
‘It’s an opportunity crime,? said Sgt. Mike Solwold. ‘They go down streets and alleys, preferably dark, and then try different ones to see what they can get into. Once they find one, they grab what’s easy to reach and move on.?
The Oxford Police Department is reminding everyone to please remove all valuables and lock their vehicles when parked, especially at night.
‘They’ll take pretty much anything they can carry with them,? Solwold added.
Anyone with information concerning the vehicle break-ins is being asked to contact the Oxford Police Department or Sgt. Mike Solwold at 248-628-2581.

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