Springfield Twp. recount confirms primary winners

A couple numbers were added to the totals in one contested race, but the results did not change after a recount of Springfield Township Republican primary election ballots Thursday, Sept. 2.
Supervisor Collin Walls, Clerk Nancy Strole and Treasurer Jamie Dubre (all incumbents) came out ahead, again, with Strole and challenger Christine Reilly gaining an additional vote each.
Supervisor challenger Bill Sahutske and treasurer hopeful James Ashley joined with Reilly in filing petitions for the recount, citing ‘mistakes? in handling the ballots.
The recount numbers again had Walls over Sahutske, 1,319-887; and Dubre over Ashley, 1,132-969. The new final count in the clerk race was Strole over Reilly, 1,382-833.
The recount began at about 9:30 a.m. in a conference room at the Springfield Township Civic Center. The Oakland County Board of Canvassers did their work under the watchful eye of elected officials, challengers and several citizens.
By 11:30 a.m., the team confirmed the number of ballots matched the records of precinct poll books, and all ballots were then fed through optical scanning machines.
Sahutske, Reilly, Ashley and successful trustee candidate Marc Cooper ran as a ‘slate? backed by Citizens For a Progressive Springfield. Sahutske previously said the motivation for the recount came partially from his belief that the slate candidates should have received approximately the same number of votes.
Additionally, however, petitions filed with the county board of canvassers cited ‘mistakes? such as ballots jamming in at least one optical scanning machine, the failure to deliver all ballots in their proper metal cases, the failure to deliver all ballots via independent election inspectors and an observation of a scanning machine left unattended in a private vehicle.
Elaine Skarritt, who chairs the board of canvassers, said their job was to verify numbers, not investigate complaints of ballot handling.
‘We are just making sure the votes match the poll book,? Skarritt said. ‘We were not there on election day, so we have no idea on things like that. That would be a court procedure.?
After the recount, Sahutske said the group would conduct ‘research? into their options on the other complaints, but he was generally satisfied with the recount proceedings.
‘I was very impressed with the Oakland County canvassers,? he said. ‘Everything was run on the up and up.?
Springfield Township must pay the cost of the canvasser’s time and expenses, and Halsey estimated the total cost to be between $900 and $1,000. The petitioning candidates must pay $10 per precinct for the recount, for a total of $270.
‘I didn’t expect to change the outcome,? Sahutske said, but he wanted to be sure of the accuracy of the count. ‘Over the past several months, I’ve learned a lot about elections.?
Because no Democrats filed for the primary election, the Republicans chosen in the Aug. 3 primary will be alone on the Nov. 2 general election ballot unless someone wages a registered write-in campaign.

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