Sophomores key in Blackhawk varsity nine 2008 season

The Brandon Blackhawks start the season with a younger team than other years.
There are five sophomores on the team this year, four of which will be starting. The sophomores actually take up one third of the team, leaving six seniors and four juniors. The Blackhawks 2007 season was 14-17, and Varsity Coach Ron Wagner plans to improve the 2008 season record.
‘Last year the team didn’t have as much continuity as I would have liked,? says Wagner.
‘We lost our first and second pitcher, and in high school that is a huge loss.?
The pitchers were lost due to injuries and personal matters.
There are three team captains this year, seniors Erik Beckart and Trace Rump, along with junior Quin McNally. Other seniors on the team include Will Eggart, Bill Evans, Scott Alexander, and Nick Rissin.
‘Nick Rissin and Trace Rump are being being looked at by junior colleges,? says Wagner.
‘But it depends on how they play this year.?
Wagner says the team is very talented, although they are all very young. He explained that with younger players it takes more time for the players to get used to the varsity level.
‘It is hard for the younger players to get used to hitting at first,? says Wagner.
‘Toward the end of the season, about 15 to 20 games into it, I hope we can step it up and become a more competitive team.?
Wagner plans not to put too much pressure on this year’s team and doesn’t have high expectations. He wants the team to work together, and so far he says the team has great continuity.

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