Softball looks ahead at ending league record

Sitting with a 5-5 league record, the Wildcat softball team has a good shot of ending the season in third place for the league.
‘If we beat Holly in the Flint Metro League, we finish third behind West and Brandon,? said Head Coach Sue Roeher.
Oxford played Holly for the first time at the Flint Kearsley Tournament on May 17. Roeher said she felt the team didn’t ‘show? too much. Oxford lost the match up 0-4, and the Lady Wildcats only had two hits the entire game.
Against Flint Kearsley, the Lady Cats showed better with an 8-4 win. Elise Rendell went three for four, with one RBI and two runs scored; Jessica Anhel also went three for four with two RBIs and two runs scored, and Amanda Mitchell went one for three with two RBIs. Most of the runs were scored in the sixth and seventh innings.
‘Good come back fro behind win for us which is very uncommon,? said Roehr.
Oxford continued to do well in game three against Carmen Answorth – winning on a 10-0 mercy call in the fifth inning.
The winning pitcher for the game was Amber Cervantez with 11 hits, zero earned runs and two strike outs. She also went two for three and had two runs scored.
‘Some great team bonding took place that day,? said Roehr.
Earlier in the week, Oxford defeated Linden in a double header 11-6 and 14-4. A mercy ruling was called in the fifth inning.
Oxford was shaky at the start of game one, but began to put the hits together with four runs in the fifth inning and four in the sixth. Rendell went four for four with two RBIs and three runs; Anhel was two for four with one RBI and three runs; Claire Vernarsky went two for four with two RBIs; and Shannon Gerbe went two for five with two runs scored.
In game two the Lady Wildcats put all the pieces together to score nine runs in the third inning.
‘They had a solid defensive performance,? said Roehr. ‘They put the hits together.?
Oxford plays again tomorrow (Thursday) against Rochester Adams.

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