‘Sisters in Stride? at 3-Day walk

Life lessons come in the most unexpected places.
For three area sisters, their greatest lesson took place in 2005 with a Breast Cancer 3-Day to benefit the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.
Independence Township resident Melissa Traver signed up for the Southeast Michigan 3-Day in March 2005 just to participate. Her goals for the walk took on new meaning two months later when her sister Kim Beardsley, of Oxford Township, was diagnosed with breast cancer.
‘I registered with a coworker just to do something fun,? said Melissa. ‘I wanted to get some exercise. I wanted to achieve a goal myself with walking the 60-miles. I never really thought about the cause behind the walk.
‘I think now the whole thing isn’t about me. It’s about the awareness, the money and about raising attention.?
Kim, 40, was diagnosed with breast cancer on May 25, 2005 during a routine mammogram. She finished her chemotherapy in October 2005 and was declared in remission the following Christmas.
‘Everything happens for a reason. So many people take for granted what they have,? said Kim. ‘Yes it’s devastating, but you can choose to take a positive or negative approach. If you choose the positive, you can choose your path.?
Kim lives strongly by a statement from the book ‘Chicken Soup for the Breast Cancer Survivor’s Soul? by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen: ‘Being a victim is a state of body, being a survivor is a state of mind.?
With this thought driving her forward, Kim privately works to promote understanding and awareness about breast cancer. Recently, she spoke in front of 230 women during St. Joseph Mercy Hospital’s ‘Lady’s Night Out? at Oakhurst Country Club and is keeping a journal of her recovery she hopes to one day publish.
Following their sister’s lead, Melissa and youngest sibling Julie Alexander, also of Independence Township, formed the team ‘Sisters in Stride? to walk in this year’s Southeast Michigan 3-Day, Aug. 11-13.
‘I think people feel it can’t happen to them or their family,? said Julie. ‘What we want to do is promote the walk and promote awareness about what the walk stands for.
‘Doing this walk is just one small way we can actually do something,? she added.
Both women plan to begin training for the August 60-mile walk soon. Melissa said she will work with a 16-week virtual trainer, while Julie joked she plans to do ‘a lot of praying and a lot of walking.?
Although they not begun preparing physically, the two women are well underway with their fund-raising efforts.
Melissa and Julie each need to raise $2,200, but both women are setting their sights much higher. Julie is trying to raise $2,500; while Melissa hopes to raise $5,000 ? $1,500 more than last year.
‘I think it’s wonderful they are doing this,? said Kim. ‘Two months down the road last year, and this took on a whole different meaning for all of us. I wish that I could walk with them.?
Although Kim, a single mom to Parker, 13, and Peyton, 8, can’t make the 60-mile trek, she plans on volunteering along the route and participating in the survivor’s walk.
‘Sisters in Stride? are the children of Richard and Virginia Beardsley, of Independence Township. The three women were all raised in Independence Township and graduated from Clarkston High School.
For more information on the 3-Day or the sisters, please e-mail Melissa at meltraver@yahoo.com and Julie at jalexander@cbschweitzer.com.
To make a donation to either sister for their walk, go on-line to www.the3day.org and click on their individual names. Information on the 3-Day and the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation is also available on this site.

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