Sisters bring Reiki to Clarkston

Missie Irish Mellen and September Racine are sisters, raised in Clarkston.
They’re now Clarkston business owners, at Just the Right Touch Reiki Therapy, in the Attuned Mind center, 3 E. Washington Street.
“It’s wonderful ? after my first class, I used it on myself for self healing,” said Mellen, a registered nurse and certified Reiki master and teacher. “We are excited to bring this opportunity here in our hometown and look forward to the lives that Reiki Therapy will touch.”
She learned about the holistic therapy in 2008, while looking for a natural, drug free treatment for back pain.
“I didn’t want prescription medication,” she said. “The benefits were absolutely amazing. It’s something anyone can learn and use on family, friends, and pets.”
Racine, certified Reiki master, learned about it from her sister
“After a couple of profound sessions, I was impressed, amazed,” she said. “I thought, this is something I can do myself.”
At Just the Right Touch Reiki Therapy, which opened this past February, the practitioner lightly places her hands in a particular pattern on various points of the body, spanning the head, body, back, legs, and feet.
“As a nurse, I never experienced a more restorative and relaxing therapy,” Mellon said.
“Where traditional medicine stops, this goes on,” Racine said. “It goes to the source of imbalance, pain and stress.”
It uses life force energy to bring bodies into balance mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, sets in motion the body’s own healing process, and encourages the body to improve overall health, Mellen said.
“This life-force energy comes from God, bringing his light, love, and healing power to each person in an individualistic way,” she said.
“As Christians, we believe there is only one healer, yet we know he works through his people to help his people. Therefore, we are allowing him to work through us to be a vessel for which his healing energy flows.”
Reiki is a complementary therapy that works along with other treatments or can be used as a stand-alone therapy. They offer monthly Reiki classes. After a class, students can use it on themselves, family, friends, and pets.
“We want to be a resource, a place where anyone can go to talk about it,” Mellen said.
Appointments at $45/hour. Call Mellen at 248-672-1384, and Racine at 248-931-5987.

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