Service group to help needy seniors with home repairs

One day can make a difference.
A group of Clarkston area residents is organizing a local branch of Christmas in Action, which coordinates an annual work day to provide free home repairs to low income senior citizens and disabled homeowners.
Diane Midgely is the driving force behind the effort, which is new in Clarkston, but has been active in Oakland County for eight years after being founded 32 years ago.
‘We really are trying to spread the word,? Midgely said at the Jan. 20 Clarkston Area Chamber of Commerce luncheon. ‘One day a year. That’s it.?
The fledgling local group has already made presentations and received endorsement from other service clubs and local governments.
Originally known as Christmas in April, the non-profit organization has organized work days in Waterford and Brandon Township, among others.
Midgely helped with the Waterford project last year as a member of another service group. When she learned there was no similar project in the Clarkston area (even though there are needy seniors here), she vowed to help organize Christmas in Action in this community.
April 30 is this year’s work date, but there’s a lot of work to be done before then. Midgely said there is now a local 12-member board coordinating the campaign, but there is need for volunteers, donations of materials, and information on needy seniors.
‘Many seniors have lots of pride, and they don’t necessarily want to tell you what they need on an application,? she said, but most welcome the help when it is offered.
As for volunteers, Midgely said skilled labor is always welcome, but the focus is on ‘people who can handle a paint brush or a broom.? The number of people is the key to success.
‘There’s a lot that can be done when you work together, and you feel so good about doing it,? she said.
Money is also welcome to purchase supplies. The Oakland County group has scheduled a couple fund-raisers, including a Jan 29 ice sculpture and wine tasting affair at Canterbury Village in Orion Township. Tickets are $20, and Midgely said placing a ‘C? on the ticket will ensure that funds will be earmarked for the Clarkston project.
The group also has an annual golf outing with sponsorship opportunities for donations ranging from $200 to $3,000.
For more information on the campaign, or to volunteer or make donations, call 248-618-7433.

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