Senior thumbs up: look for August ballot proposals

The original goal was a new senior center for Independence Township. Now residents may need to decide whether or not they want an independently funded senior center program.
The Independence Township Board of Trustees gave a thumbs up to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission to continue moving forward with a proposed senior center bond issue and millage for the August election.
Advisory Commission Chairman David Lohmeier made the presentation proposing the two ballot issues for the August election: a bond to fund the proposed $3 million senior center and a millage to support senior department operations.
During his presentation, Lohmeier informed township trustees that though these are separate proposals, they must be passed simultaneously to be beneficial.
He also explained that during ‘our current trying economic times? the advisory commission did not feel residents would approve a fully-supporting parks and recreation millage. Instead, commission members felt the community would support funding to build and run the township administration-promised senior center.
‘I’m enthusiastic about this,? said Penny Shanks, advisory commission secretary and executive director of the Clarkston Area Chamber of Commerce. ‘This is something the community owes and it is past time to do this.?
‘If you want us to back out, the time to tell us is now,? said Lohmeier in reference to the two proposals. ‘If we need to change direction with this, we need to change now.?
Overall reactions from the township board were supportive: Treasurer Jim Wenger complemented the commission for requiring that both the bond issue and millage be passed in order to move forward. ‘You really can’t have one without the support of the other,? he stated.
‘I think we need to give the committee our solid support and an answer tonight,? said Trustee Dan Kelly.
‘I can get behind this,? said Supervisor Dave Wagner.
‘I think this is a good proposal you have. It’s different than what I was thinking, but keep going.?
‘Go for it. You’re on the right track,? said Trustee Dan Travis.
Trustee Charles Dunn voiced a concern that the proposal does not completely fund parks and recreation. He stated he does not like the idea of having to come before voters again later to ask for even more money.
Lohmeier agreed that the thought was raised by advisory commission members; however, the group consensus was that the community would not support the move at this time.
‘The residents may support a full parks and rec millage later, they may not,? said Lohmeier. ‘Right now, we know they won’t.?
Township trustees directed the parks and recreation advisory commission to return next month with language and final numbers for the bond and millage. The board hopes to place the items on the August ballot.
For detailed background information on the proposal presented by David Lohmeier, included projected bond and millage numbers, please go online to and type ‘senior center? in the search engine.

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