Parents: Tiylon Barnes and Heather Spiegel
GPA: 3.96
Favorite subject(s): English, psychology and art.
Extracurricular activities: Black student union and theater.
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, writing, listening to music, researching for my own enjoyment and making art.
Plans after graduation: I’m taking a break before I commit myself to college.
Kennidee is proudest of: I was a state finalist who placed eleventh in a natural beauty pageant, and being on honor roll every year since sixth grade.
Kennidee makes a contribution by: Existing through kindness and helping those that I can help.
Where Kennidee sees herself in 10-20 years: Married with three dobermans and some kids in a beautiful home where kindness, happiness and love flourish. I have a stable job with a stable income and I bake fresh cookies every Sunday.
What concerns Kenidee in the world: The mistreatment of Black people and the effects of generational trauma that stem from slavery.
Favorite thing about Lake Orion High School: The social aspect of being around my friends.
Recommending staff member: Ms. Dyer.

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