Senior of the Week — Daniel Pavelich

Parents: Thomas and Kristina Pavelich

Grade: 12

GPA: 3.95

Favorite subject(s): drawing and math

Extracurricular activities: Tennis and theater

Hobbies/Interests: rubiks cubes, video games and work

Plans after graduation: undecided but go to university

Daniel is proudest of: riding the tallest roller coaster in the world while also being afraid of heights

Daniel makes a contribution by: I am there for people when they need help or need someone to talk to.

Where Daniel sees himself in 10-20 years: Hopefully comfortable in an apartment with a stable job.

What concerns Daniel in the world: The Russia-Ukraine war is quite concerning even though the media has decided to completely give up on it.

Favorite thing about Lake Orion High School: A lot of the people are very nice and I like theater

Recommending Teacher: Ms. Hall

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