Seminar to help parenting skills

When it comes to parenting advice, everyone could use some once in a while ? especially during the stressful times.
That’s why the Oxford/Addison Youth Assistance (OAYA) will be hosting a parenting seminar for the public on Tuesday, February 5 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the high school.
Twelve-year OAYA volunteer Richard Chakrin will facilitate the five-session seminar, entitled The Gift of Being Welcomed.
Having a master’s degree in early childhood development from Bank Street College of Education in New York, Chakrin has done extensive studies on how stress can affect ones parenting or relationship skills.
‘When it comes to parenting and trying to provide a loving home for your children, you can’t do it when you’re stressed,? he said.
The intro seminar will focus on stress reduction and what parents, or anyone in a relationship for that matter, can do to stay calm and relaxed. Extreme tempers and yelling fits get parents nowhere when it comes to handling a situation with a child, according to Chakrin.
‘If you make a kid anxious about reading or doing their homework or even making their bed, they will not learn how to do it,? he said. ‘They will either fight you or avoid you.?
For the past 12 years, Chakrin has facilitated many parent education classes in a variety of settings. He teaches classes on non-violence for Wayne State’s Center for Peace and Conflict Studies.
Chakrin often uses the example of a child learning how to walk in his seminars. When a parent is welcoming their toddler with open arms, the child sees it as a safe environment to push forward and strive. ‘When a child’s taking their first steps, it’s exciting, it’s supportive and you’re not judging the kid,? he said. ‘You’re just basically welcoming them.?
Chakrin hopes the seminar will garner a lot of positive feedback from local parents.
‘It’s such a different approach,? he said. ‘It’s not about me teaching them how to parent, that happens quite naturally.?
If you can’t make this winter session, Chakrin will be hosting another on sometime this fall. For more information about the seminar contact Hank Szlenkier at (248) 969-5177.

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