Second annual Craig Greenfield Memorial Tri and Du ready to go

In creating the Craig Greenfield Memorial Triathalon and Duathalon, Corey Greenfield found a way to celebrate her brother’s passions, while fighting against the disease, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, which took his life in the winter of 2000 at the age of 32.
Corey Greenfield’s vision was realized with help from her family and friends ? and the second annual Craig Greenfield Memorial Tri and Du is scheduled for Aug. 7 starting at noon at Deer Lake.
‘Craig was really athletic, he loved running and biking and swimming. I also wanted to do something to promote health and help an organization that helped (Craig),? said Corey.
Last year the Craig Greenfield Memorial Triathalon and Duathalon raised $7,500 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Michigan. In the second iteration of the competition, organizers want to raise $10,000.
Before the first CGMTD last year, Greenfield knew a triathalon would be the right way to honor her brother. But as she, her family and friends, had never participated in one, much less organized one, there was some research to be done.
After running a triathalon put on by 3 Disciplines Racing, Greenfield contacted owner Kenny Krell and Annmarie Kern to tap their knowledge.
‘Corey had done a couple of our events and she had contacted us. She wanted the same expertise she had seen at our races at her own event,? said Kern, who is in charge of timing and registration with 3D.
Aside from some minor tweaks, the race will be the same as last year. The triathalon starts with an 800-meter swim in Deer Lake followed by a 16-mile bike ride and then by a 4.5-mile run. Both the biking and running segments start and end in Depot Park and have routes around the Clarkston area.
‘Anytime you have a triathalon in a city, it makes the event so much better. People are used to having to drive out to the middle of nowhere to compete? said Kern.
Like last year, there is a cap set at 300 participants so the race is not overcrowded or overwhelming.
‘We are keeping the cap because we want it to be a little more intimate than other triathalons,? said Kathy Greenfield, Craig’s mother.
The expected list of competitors is varied: one of Corey’s friends is coming from as far away as Seattle, while others knew Craig as a youth and are still in Clarkston.
‘Craig grew up on our street, with our son and daughter. In fact, he was like a son to me. When (Corey) and (3D) put this together last year, I cried tears of joy. They were doing this to keep his memory alive and to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma society,? said Sally Lamm. ‘Craig will be smiling down on us on August 7.?
Lamm is taking the bike leg of the triathalon relay team comprised of John Bullen and Lois Sanders, other Clarkston residents who knew Craig. The team is calling themselves ‘Craig’s Crew? and will wear bright red shirts with embroidered lettering on the front done by one of Craig’s aunts.
Aside from the participants, there is an outpouring of support from the community in terms of volunteers and donations for this year’s race.
‘Losing someone to cancer is a difficult thing. To have the community supporting something in the memory of my son is just wonderful,? said Kathy Greenfield.
The organizers of this year’s triathalon are especially thankful to Rudy’s Market which is donating hot dogs and hamburgers and grilling them at the finish line in Depot Park. This year local businesses have donated 46 items up for raffle, nearly doubling last year’s total.
To register for the Craig Greenfield Memorial Tri and Du visit Participants can register at Depot Park on Aug. 6 from 1-4 p.m.
People interested in volunteering to help should visit
For more information on registration or volunteering, contact Cory Greenfield at 248-594-5850 or via e-mail at

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