Schools to continue ‘developmental days?

Clarkston Community Schools have generated concern and even ‘downright anger? from some parents with ‘developmental days? for teachers in grades K-8.
Officials believe the benefits outweigh the burdens, however, and will continue the program.
‘The program does create some inconveniences, and we continue to recognize that,? Deputy Superintendent David Reschke said at the Monday, April 14 school board meeting. ‘Our question is how do we minimize the inconveniences.?
Reschke issued an evaluation report on the first-year program, similar to one which was already in place at Clarkston High School, in which class hours are shortened on some Wednesdays to allow teachers and administrators to engage in training and discussions for the stated purpose of improving education.
The district offered child care to younger students (charging a fee) and either computer lab or tutoring for middle school students during the normal class times on developmental days.
The evaluation covered areas such as student attendance, curriculum and activities, use of ‘guest teachers,? cost considerations and feedback from teachers and parents.
The report said there was no ‘statistically significant impact? on school attendance on developmental days, but the need for guest teachers significantly decreased when compared with the former method of scheduling teacher training.
Although Reschke said the guest teacher reduction and financial issues were not the primary goal of the program, he estimated a cost savings of $28,000 for the first semester of this school year.
‘Some parents in the report complained that students were seeing movies on that day,? Reschke said, but the report showed a variety of activities in the shortened class periods, including review of previous instruction, tutorial time, class meetings and student conferences.
‘It was not remarkably different? from normal instruction days, he said.
Among the benefits cited was the opportunity for teachers to discuss common issues and concerns. Reschke said this is especially important as the district strives for consistency in the curriculum.
‘In our business, some of the biggest misunderstandings come from insufficient indepth discussions,? he said. ‘This program has provided for that.?
Nearly all staff members have suggested more time for building level training, district-wide training and grade level meetings, the report said, and more than half said the developmental day program has improved professionalism in the district (and that it needs to continue).
‘When you have half of any group of teachers saying the same thing in concert, I think you have to take that seriously,? Reschke said.
While parents have their concerns, Reschke was impressed that about 800 responded to a survey on the subject, and he said ‘a clear and strong majority? of parents support the effort to reduce the use of developmental days to reduce the number of guest teachers.
Citing difficulty with child care and transportation issues, however, some parents believe teachers should receive training after students leave for the day, on weekends or during school vacations, the report said.
Officials talked about teacher contract requirements for scheduling, and argued that meetings during the year are important for dealing with issues that arrive during the school year.
The report offered some recommendations to lessen the inconvenience to parents. For example, officials said and all developmental days should be scheduled on a specific Wednesday of the month.
‘If we’re going to do it, a lot of parents said keep it predictable,? Treasurer Janet Thomas said.
In addition, developmental days will be reduced from 14 to 10 in the elementary schools, but dismissal time will be shifted from 1:30 p.m. to 11:35 a.m. on those days.
An option could be offered to allow each school to apply for up to two additional days, perhaps in response to the federal ‘No Child Left Behind? program or the state’s ‘Education YES? requirements, but Superintendent Al Roberts said the district should do more homework before making that final.
‘The questions are really still unanswered in terms of transportation and some other details on those two extra days,? Roberts said. ‘We have to work out a number of details.?

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