School board resistant to change

Trustee Susan Boatman was surprised when her motion to reschedule school board elections was tabled.
‘I brought it up in October,? Boatman said at Monday’s Clarkston Board of Education meeting. ‘People asked for additional time to think about it, and I set a January date.?
The board voted 5-2 to table her proposal to change May elections to November. Boatman and board Treasurer Joe Armstrong voted against.
“We don’t have enough information,” said board Secretary Ronald Sullivan, who moved to table. “We’ve had one set of information, one discussion. This decision doesn’t have be made right now. Other things take higher priority.”
Trustees Joan Patterson and Barry Bomier said their vote to table does not mean they oppose the idea.
“I was ready to support it, but if any member wants extra time, I support that,” Patterson said.
“I tend to support it, but I want to make sure we make the right decision,” said Bomier. “Should we have elections in even years, off years, every year?”
The issue isn’t tabled indefinitely, he said.
Terasa Harris, Clarkston school’s parent and Oakland County government employee, and Chris Ward, representing Oakland County Clerk’s office, addressed the school board in support of the change.
The change would save more than $30,000 per election and increase voter turnout, they said.
“Change is never easy, but the public deserves to have every tax dollar valued as much as possible,” Ward said.
“Your vote tonight will let people know how responsible you are with their money,” said Harris.
A good time to revisit the issue is this summer at the board’s organizational meeting, said board President Stephen Hyer.

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