Sabina Grusnick attends MYLead

Every year the staff of Oxford High School chooses one sophomore to receive the honor of attending the Michigan Youth Leadership (MYLead) Conference, previously known as the Hugh O’Brian Youth (HOBY) Award.
This year the counselors and staff selected Sabina Grusnick to attend the one-day event at Wayne State University in Ohio.
‘I was surprised I was chosen,? said Grusnick, ‘because when I first heard about it I didn’t really know what it was about.?
The mission of MYLead is to develop leadership potential in Michigan youth. To achieve this goal, the group hosts an annual leadership conference which gives high school sophomores an opportunity for dialogue with community, business and civic leaders. The students learn about current and future issues, while having a chance to interact with peers.
Only one student from each high school can be selected. At Oxford High School, sophomores are nominated by teachers to receive the application. During the process, the students are asked to write an essay, which is first awarded points by the high school’s language arts teachers and finally voted upon by the staff as a whole.
‘We had around 20 people total apply this year,? said high school counselor Lew Wilson. ‘It’s very competitive since you can only choose one.?
Grusnick, who returned to the Oxford area with her parents Jeannette and Carl when she was in the eighth grade, really liked the idea of the conference.
‘I thought it would be cool if I could go because I could meet other student leaders,? she stated.
This past year, Grusnick participated in track, symphonic band, marching band, pep band, varsity cheerleading, competitive cheerleading, SADD, the Adventure Club and class representative. Outside of the school day she spends her free time with the Girl Scouts and her Youth Group.
‘She is planning to run for student council vice-president,? said mom Jeannette.
At the conference, Grusnick participated in question and answer sessions, small group peer discussions, debates and leadership building exercises. She also wrote a speech on a presented topic and signed-up for information from volunteer organizations.
‘I liked it – I wish it could have lasted longer,? she said. ‘I got to experience other leader’s viewpoints and ideas. I made some new friends who I talk to online.?
So what kinds of goals does a future leader set for herself?
Grusnick said in the near future she wants to be drum major of the marching band and help to push the competitive cheer team on to states.
When considering her long-range plans, the Oxford High School sophomore said she definitely wants to attend an Ivy League college and some day have a family.

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