Runners top last season

And they are off and running….
The Oxford cross country teams began another great season at the Rochester Adam’s Invitational on August 28 with all runners improving upon last year’s times.
“I was very, very please,” said coach Ray Sutherland. “All the kids ran faster than last year.”
The Wildcat men had six medal winners: Donnie Richmond in first place overall with 16:14, Kevin Brown in fifth with 17:31, Tim Rowland in tenth with 17:53, Kenny White in 19th with 18:09, Adam Richmond in 27th with 18:35 and Todd Davidson in 28th with 18:39.
“This is the first time ever that we’ve had six medal winners at this meet,” said Sutherland.
Although the women’s team did not have any medal winners, the Lady Wildcats still ran their best. The top five placers for Oxford were: Lauren Cribb at 23:24, Emily Shoup at 24:20, Shannon Walter at 24:48, Deann Kujawa at 25:18 and Katie Carroll at 26:04.
The teams compete again this Saturday at the West Bloomfield Invitational. Last year, the boy’s team did place in the difficult meet.
“This is one of the toughest of the year,” said Sutherland, “but we’re ready.”

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