Students at Webber Elementary kicked off the month of March, also known as ‘Reading Month,? with a school-wide assembly on Mar. 1.
The students will be participating in ‘Camp Read-a-Lot,? with the ultimate goal being for the entire student body to read a total of 200,000 minutes in the month.
If they accomplish that task, students will get a party featuring s’mores and Principal Sarah Manzo in a costume (most likely some sort of insect one would find on a camping trip).
Kindergartners are expected to read ten minutes a night, first graders 15 minutes a night and each progressive grade adding five more minutes.
In addition, the school will have a ‘tent of honor? bulletin board of photos, a book swap and drawings for up to 100 lucky students to have lunch with a friend in a tent.
The assembly also honored fifth grader Adam Struble, a finalist in the Nationwide Learning National Book Challenge.
Struble could win a $100 scholarship if he is chosen as the overall winner.