RCOC denies horse signs

It looks like it’s up to the equestrian riders in Addison Township to use a little more caution when crossing main roads while navigating the Polly Ann Trail.
The Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) denied their request last week for 16 equestrian crossing signs where the PAT intersects main roads.
Areas of concern in Addison Twp. were at Hosner, Lake George, Curtis, Rowland, Rochester, Leonard, Gerst and Bordman roads.
Dave Allyn, director of the Traffic-Safety Department at the RCOC, wrote a Dec. 11 e-mail to Addison Township Trustee Ed Brakefield stating that because legislation (Senate Bill 248) recently passed both the state House and Senate to restore the 25 mph speed limits on gravel roads the signs might not be necessary.
‘If the law is not signed into effect, then our review will proceed,? he wrote.
Gov. Jennifer Granholm has until Monday, Dec. 25 to either sign or veto SB 248.
Allyn also pointed out that the trail crossings ‘either have or will have advance pedestrian and pedestrian crossing signs? and he considers the signage ‘sufficient? for those areas.
But even though the speed limits could be returned to 25 mph, Brakefield believes that’s still not enough to keep horse riders safe.
‘As we all know, the reason for the signs was to remind the drivers that horses could enter the road at any time,? Brakefield wrote in a response to Allyn. ‘It was not only the speed limit, but the health, safety and welfare of the riders which concerned me.?

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