Public invited to help name ‘new? school buildings

As Clarkston Community Schools moves forward on new grade configurations, it’s becoming more of an issue on how to refer to the buildings currently known as Clarkston Middle School and Sashabaw Middle School.
In fall 2005, the former will house eighth and ninth graders, with the latter to be home for sixth and seventh graders. School officials believe their new names should be determined soon.
‘The longer we go down the line…the more difficult it will be to develop an identity,? Superintendent Al Roberts said at the June 28 school board meeting.
Roberts said four board members completed a survey concerning the process for naming the ‘new? buildings after their renovation is complete. ‘They vary,? he said, in opinions about the process to be followed.
While some would like to have students and parents involved in the process, others wonder if fall will be too late. Bruce Beamer, executive director for business and financial services, asked about school colors, for example, noting items such as gym floors and building signs.
‘One school of thought is that, from sixth grade up, everyone is ‘blue and gold? and everybody’s ‘Wolves,?? Roberts said, but others may wish to have more variety in the schools? respective identities.
The district already has guidelines for naming buildings, Roberts said, including a prohibition against naming buildings for people and ‘names of historic significance are encouraged.?
To accomplish the latter, officials agreed to the need for education, as several buildings were named to honor some of the district’s past history, including some recalling names of districts which were merged to form Clarkston Community Schools in 1949. Sashabaw, Bailey Lake, Springfield Plains and Independence, for example, all hold such historical significance.
‘I’d like to keep the ‘Sashabaw? part in some way,? Trustee Sheila Hughes said.
Roberts suggested ‘maybe some explaining first, or some information first. How many folks still bring up the fact that Sashabaw is on Maybee and Bailey Lake is on Pine Knob??
‘We’ve never named a school for the road is on,? quipped Deputy Superintendent David Reschke.
‘Feedback with knowledge is important,? Roberts said.
The public education will be the responsibility of Anita Banach, director of marketing and communications, who suggested an ‘unveiling? type of event this fall to celebrate the various bond building projects.
The board will continue to discuss the naming process in August, with a plan to be put in place in September so the board can come to a decision in October.

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