Proposed rental fees upset some

The Oxford School District may be one step closer to charging a rental fee to individuals and groups wishing to use classrooms, athletic stadiums or auditoriums outside of regular school hours.
Patrick Ball, Athletic Director for Oxford Schools, updated the school board last Tuesday on the research conducted by a special committee with the hopes of increasing revenue for the district.
The committee included Maintenance Supervisor Bruce Biebuyck, Athletic Secretary Toni Streit, Assistant Superintendent Nancy Kammer, Technology Director Tim Throne and Tim Loock, executive director for business and finance
Ball said the group researched what other districts, such as Brandon, Clarkston, Rochester and Lake Orion, were charging for renting their facilities and decide what Oxford could possibly charge.
‘We’re right in the middle. We didn’t exceed (what other schools charge),? he said.
But the school district refused to release the proposed rental fee figures until they are approved by the school board at some point in the near future.
Interim Superintendent Ron Franey failed to return two phone calls made by this newspaper’s editor regarding release of the proposed rental fees.
The Leader found out what Lake Orion, Clarkston and Rochester schools are charging (see box below).
At each of those schools there is an additional fee if any personnel, like a custodian or security person, is used, which Ball said would also be the case in Oxford.
According to interim superintendent Ron Franey, the facility rentals are a good way to organize who is using what in the district.
‘We also tend to have some outside groups come here to Oxford because they’re being charged elsewhere,? he said, adding that if Oxford had fees, this wouldn’t be a problem.
Franey also said the extra revenue could be very beneficial. He said that Rochester schools ‘collected about a quarter of a million? from rentals in their buildings last year.
‘We’re not looking to make $250,000 on this, but if we could make some good money on it, obviously it would help provide another teacher to the school or text books,? he said. ‘We feel that this is only going to help us now and in the future.?
If the Oxford School District had implemented rental fees last year, Loock said about $50,000 extra could’ve been accrued in revenue.
But not all of the school board members or Oxford residents were happy with the possibility of a rental fee.
Trustee Major Murray said the district’s already asked enough of the taxpayers by extending a millage to build the new high school and once again last year.
‘I think the schools are a community asset and I think this is breaking with that mentality,? he told the board. ‘Especially for $50,000. I don’t think this is worth that.?
Treasurer Doug Myer agreed with Murray, saying he does think that local residents and groups should be charged either an ‘extremely minimal? fee or nothing at all. He also said that outside groups should have to pay the rental fees.
Ron Davis, the director for Oxford Township Parks and Recreation, said his concern was for the kids who participate in their programs, like ORBA baseball or the girls basketball program and how the fees would effect turn out.
‘If we don’t provide (inexpensive) services for these folks, they’re gonna go somewhere else,? he said.
Davis also pointed out that parks and rec. has always let various school activities take place on their property free of charge, like the cross country meets held at Seymour Lake Township Park. Elementary schools even use sporting equipment generously donated by parks and rec.
Oxford resident Todd Bell made his feelings clear as to how he feels about the proposed rental fees.
‘Being a taxpayer in Oxford, I own the schools. The community owns the schools. We should be able to use those schools just like we use our parks,? he said.
Like Davis, Bell was concerned with a drop in participation if kids cannot afford to pay more money toward a program.
‘The mission statement for the parks and rec. is to build a community through people, parks and programs. Your mission statement is to provide quality education to all students,? he said. ‘I think those two coincide.?

Here’s what other
districts charge
Lake Orion Schools
? $125/hour for the high school
? $125/hour for the high school gym
? $15/hour for classrooms at all school levels
? $40/hour for the middle school gym

Clarkston Schools
? $250/hour for the high school auditorium
? $80/hour for their high school gym
? $25/hour for classrooms at all school levels
? $250/hour for the high school athletic stadium
? $45/hour for the middle school gym

Rochester Schools
? $75/hour for their high school gym and cafeteria
? $20/hour for their athletic fields
? $20/hour for classrooms at all school levels
? $60/hour for the middle school gym

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