Prom is almost here.
What is the number one point to check on your prom to do list?
The safety of yourself and fellow classmates.
Randolph’s Salon is joining hands with the SADD chapter of Clarkston High School Students Against Drunk Driving and Waterford Mott High School to keep prom night a safe one with the ‘Prom Promise 2005? project.
Students who promise not to drink and drive on prom night will receive a free hair design and style from Randolph’s Salon at either the Clarkston or Waterford locations.
‘We’re pleased to have the opportunity to sponsor Prom Promise for the second year at Clarkston high School,? said Scott Randolph. ‘We also look forward to starting the tradition with Waterford Mott High School this year.?
Randolph’s Salon and SADD want to get the word out that heavy drinking is especially dangerous for teenagers because the brain is still developing, and that alcohol related damage incurred at a young age can have long term effects.
The promise is available for students and parents upon purchasing prom tickets. The promise must be signed by both the students, parents and SADD Advisors.
Prom is an unforgettable time. To the students of 2005, please be safe and make that promise.