Pretty Pony Pastures showcases horses healing power

Pretty Pony Pastures sugary sweet name fits the Davisburg business to a ‘T?.
The business that Linda Watson and her husband Tom started is not stocked with pink maned fillies ripped out of little girls fantasies, rather Pretty Pony Pastures? mounts help people walk again.
‘The movement of the horse mimics walking. (The rider) gets to use their muscles in a non-stressful manner,? said Watson. ‘Parents tell me (their children) don’t like going to physical therapy, but they like riding the horse.?
In celebration of National Day of the Horse, Pretty Pony Pastures will be presenting ‘the making of a therapeutic horse? on Dec. 13 from 4:30-7 p.m.
Pretty Pony Pastures uses the Haflinger breed, which is sort of like a mini-Clydesdale. The Haflinger is pony size and has a gentle disposition, two traits that make it perfect for therapeutic riding. Currently there are two fully trained horses at Pretty Pony Pastures.
‘We’ve decided to make a complete commitment to this one breed,? said Watson. ‘It takes a lot to spook them.?
Individuals who are afflicted with muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis and a wide array of other physical and mental maladies can benefit from Pretty Pony Pastures Sunday riding classes.
‘I’ve had kids who lacked fine motor skills, but within six weeks of riding the horses they are able to color,? said Watson.
On Nov. 18 the senate passed Resolution 452 which designated Dec. 13 as National Day of the Horse. The legislation urges people to be mindful of the contribution of horses to the economy, history and the character of the United States.
Pretty Pony Pastures Dec. 13 presentation is free, but reservations are required. All those interested can call (248) 634-7276 to reserve their spot in the informational seminar.

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