Possible May vote for school millage renewal

Clarkston Board of Education is considering a Headlee/Non-Homestead election on May 5.
The vote to renew the district’s 10-year operational millage, which expires this year, would be attached to a statewide election already scheduled. Statewide, voters will decide on a proposal to increase the sales tax from 6 percent to 7 percent and spend an extra $1.2 billion a year on roads.
The district would be charged $500-$1,000 in fees to place the millage vote on the ballot. Funding the election on its own would cost the district about $20,000, said Mary Beth Rogers, executive director for business services.
During discussion on Jan. 12, school board members favored a proposal renewing the existing millage for 10 years, but not increasing it.
Asking for renewal makes sense, especially in an election asking for a sales tax increase, said Trustee Kelli Horst.
“Adding the word ‘increase’ makes me nervous,” Horst said.
“Communication is key,” said Trustee Elizabeth Egan. “It’s simply about renewal ? it’s very important the public understand it won’t increase household property taxes.”
Under Proposal A, districts can levy up to 18 mills on vacant land, rental property, second homes, and commercial businesses. Clarkston Community Schools’ non-homestead millage is at 19.2491 mills, which provides a cushion. The district can only actually levy 18 mills under Proposal A, Rogers said.
“The state assumes you get 18 mills ? it needs to be renewed to maintain full funding,” she said. “It is imperative for general fund operating dollars that we never fall below the 18 mills allowed under Proposal A.”
A rollback in the 18 mills non-homestead tax is triggered when taxable value of property grows at a faster rate than inflation.
Due to the economy, the millage hasn’t rolled back in several years, said board President Steve Hyer.
Rogers will draft a ballot resolution for the millage renewal and bring it to a future board meeting for approval.
The school board next regular meeting is Monday, Jan. 26, at 7 p.m. at the school administration building.

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