Playground proposal under budget

When considering new playground equipment for Addison Township’s Labodie Park, park and recreation committee members decided they needed to go back to the basics.
“We weren’t interested in eyeball things that just looked pretty,” said committee member Joe Schnur, “we wanted things the kids can do.”
The committee was charged by the Addison Township board of Trustees with finding new playground equipment for around $10,000. The township recently removed the old equipment, which was inspected and determined to be unsafe.
After looking at several different options, the committee decided that the important issues were to provide play areas for all ages and make sure to get the most fun within their cost. Members decided the best option was to look at separate pieces.
“Our budget would not allow us to go the way of large playsets,” explained Schnur. “We also had one woman who spoke well about making sure there was an area for the little ones to play without getting run over by the older children.”
The final proposal involves two separate play areas – one for children ages 2-5 and one for those 5-12. Each area will have its own swing set, slide and “monkey” bars.
The 2-5 age area will cost $4,162 ($1,230 for the swings, $2,218 for the slide and $714 for the bars) and the 5-12 area will cost $4,830 ($1,188 for the swings, $2,262 for the slide and $1,380 for the bars). The price estimates came from Burke Premier Play Environments and total $9,532 after taxes, well under the $10,000 allotment.
“We left room for expansion in our design, so as funding becomes available we can add more pieces,” explained Schnur.
The committee discussed surfacing options for the new equipment, but found the cost of wood chipping to be quite high. In order to find more options, Schnur said he visited Addison Oaks Park’s playground, which uses beach sand.
“I went out there and jumped up and down on the beach sand, and even threw myself down a couple of times,” he said laughing. “I realized we could consider using this and it would be more cost effective.”
Schnur said he has not yet presented the idea to township Supervisor Bob Koski, but plans to before the next board meeting.
In addition to discussing the playground equipment, the park and rec committee took a step further and laid down a new design for Labodie Park that includes a walking path, basketball court, benches and gardens.
The walking path will surround and separate the play areas. Benches will be along the path, but within view and access of the play equipment.
“We thought it would be great if a parent could sit on the bench and be able to watch their children swing and play,” said Schnur.
The basketball court will be located on the north side of the cell tower. Schnur said the committee plans on something small, about 80 x 80, so that the youth can play one on one or small group. The court will have at least two baskets.
Schnur also added that the grouped discussed adding a sandbox to the playground design.
“We’re going to have to raise money somehow for all of it,” said Schnur. “But, we’re going to do these things one way or another.”
Members of the Addison Garden Club have already volunteered to donate the gardening for the area. Schnur expects the committee will be able
The Addison board of trustees will be considering the proposal for the playground equipment and any possible safety servicing only at a special meeting on Monday, July 21.

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