Piper heading to Scotland for Pipefest

Local piper, William Fordyce of the Celtic Pipers and Drums USA is going to Edinburgh, Scotland.
He’s joining 10,000 pipers, drummers, members of the brass and reed bands and clan societies to take part in the biggest ever Pipefest on Aug. 21.
They’ll be aiming to break the world record for the world’s largest pipe band, while raising money for a leading cancer charity.
Ten years ago at the first Pipefest, 3,000 pipers and drummers marched through Edinburgh to raise money for Marie Curie Cancer Cure.
Pipefest events have raised more than 80,000 pounds for Marie Curie Cancer Care since 1995.
Pipefest takes place in Holyrood Park. Setting off at 2 p.m. along Queens Drive, the spectacular event comes to a head two hours later when the bands meet up for the grand finale.
In previous years, Pipefest has had participants from over 19 countries register to take place with some pipers traveling more than 11,000 miles to get to the event.

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