Parks and Rec Advisory receives ‘credibility?

After more than ten years of advising and expanding, the Parks and Recreation Advisory group is now officially a commission.
Parks and Recreation Director Mike Turk asked township officials at the June 21 meeting to approve the creation of a Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission.
‘I believe that an appointed commission would bring the advisory commission more credibility when it comes to making recommendations to the township board when dealing with important issues,? wrote Turk in his request.
According to Turk, the advisory board’s roots start in the early 1990s as The Friends of Bay Court Park. The goal of that original group was to advise the township on activities for the park.
Turk explained that over the years, the group grew until reaching the current incarnation as a parks and rec advisory board.
‘About a year ago, we didn’t seem like we were accomplishing much,? said Turk. ‘We added some key people then, like Penny Shanks from the (Clarkston Area Chamber of Commerce) and David Lohmeier who has experience on other commissions.
‘We emphasized the direction on the upcoming needs that park and rec has. When Dave came on board, he wanted it to be the same format as the other commissions.?
Supervisor Dave Wagner commented during the board meeting that making the park and rec advisory board a commission would give more accountability and access to the group.
‘One of the problems that the board has had is a lack of credibility,? said Wagner.
Treasurer Jim Wenger agreed, ‘This is the biggest investment our general fund makes? I think this is a good first step for them.?
As a commission, the board will have between eight and ten appointed members. Appointments will be made by recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Director, approved by the township supervisor and ultimately approved by the township board.
The Parks and Rec Advisory Commission will elect an executive board consisting of one chairperson, vice-chairperson and recording secretary. The elected individuals will be approved by the township board. Each elected official will serve a two-year term. At the meeting, Turk said the officers terms will be staggered so there is not a change over every other year.
‘This gives the township board an opportunity to know who’s on the board an what’s happening on the board,? he said.
Turk said the next step for the new commission is to elect officers. He expects the commission to take nominations at the July 7 meeting, and have officers by August 4.

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